Bob Aloisio, M Co. 3/5 1st plt. Corpsman
Picture taken on LZ Vine, during Operation TAYLOR COMMON

"Doc" Bob Aloisio, M Co. 3/5 I was a corpsman
with the second platoon Mike 3/5 from Sept.68 to May 69. I left the
platoon one time to take a test for rate for 3 days and that is the
only time I left.

(click to enlarge)
L to R: Marine (name?), "Doc" Aloisio, "Doc"
Kulka (2nd plt. corpsman), taken on LZ Vine
L to R: "Doc" Kulka, "Doc" Aloisio, "Doc"
Storgen. Picture possibly taken on LZ Vine
(If anyone remembers the unidentified Marines, please let us know)
(click to enlarge)
Bob Aloisio (M/3/5) news article and citation for Operation Maui Peak,
Oct. 1968
In May I went to the Battalion Aid in An Hoa for two months and then
to Charlie Med. in Danang. I served with Doc Weltzbarker. I also know
Doc Woods from another reunion we both attend in Kokomo, Ind. My wife
and I have been married for 39 years. Yes, before the war and still.
We had our daughter before the war and our son after, my wife is a
combat wife.
Corpsman graphic and background by Redeye)