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He waits, silent
clutching his Unit One
Wondering about this time
A flash as a 'copter
drops a flare
And midnight turns to noon
And hell reaches them all
racing forward, past sanity
Insanity calls pushing him forward
Regardless of death
to a fallen friend
Bullets falling
that scream Die
falling inches away
Working his best
Moving up,
blood racing in his veins
and dropping in a wound
Made hours ago
He thinks of himself
His sergeant says stop
but he remembers a Creed
Taken years ago
And again moves forward
into hell blood and gun grease
the sound of death
The words of life
his morphine spent
And his plasma used
Nothing left
but a Creed sounds
in his ears
above 'copters and total hell
Up to a fallen friend
Who looks up to a face of Christ
and smiles
Bullets shatter the night
Somewhere a mother
perhaps a wife
Thank God for a life
She says a prayer for
an unknown person
who saved his life.
Yes somewhere, some person
a lone person
Looks upon a lifeless body
Running faster to a calling
Remembering a Creed
Taken years ago
He halts to gaze upon
A corpsman lying still.

Written by "Doc" Lerp on the back of a C-Rat box in Dec. of 1969  about a friend killed in Vietnam.
Published in the Baltimore, (Maryland) Evening Sun, December 15, 1970

Doc's Lerp's FMF Corpsman Vietnam

Doc Lerp Picture Page


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