Our Wall lives, it has many eyes
That penetrate the soul
They search too, among the crowd

For friends they used to know

Our Wall lives, it has many ears
They listen to what we say
They hear our tears, and our fears
They hear the blues we play

Our Wall lives, it has a heart
Can't you hear it beat?
It pumps no blood for that was spilt
That others' hearts might beat

Our Wall lives, it has many hands
They are reaching out to All
Their arms embrace our grieving souls
And lift us when we fall

Our Wall lives, it has a voice
Can't you hear them speak?
They pray for freedom everywhere
They pray for war to cease

~Debbe Reynolds, 1987~
Written at The Moving Wall, Arcata, CA

(Picture of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in DC courtesy of Tom Lindsay, M Co. 3/5)


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