Cole (left), Jerry Lomax and another Mike 3/5 Marine
Sam Cole served with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike Company.
He was Killed In Action during Operation HOUSTON II. His name stands
proud on Mike 3/5 Wall
of Honor alongside his fellow Marines and Corpsmen. Semper fi,
Brother Marine. We will never forget.


was really well liked by everybody. He was the kind of Marine everybody
could depend on when that time came. He was with the M-60 machine gun
crew of Mike 3/5. On May 7, 1968, we left on a reconnaissance mission
above Lanco Bridge at Haivan Pass. We were told we weren't expecting
any trouble, so just relax. We had a rough climb because the mountain
was steep.
May 8, the "relaxation" ended with AK-47s and machine guns
being fired at us. We were ambushed coming up a marked trail in the
center of our column. I didn't see Sam all day.
May 9, in the morning, Sam came up to my thick tree where I was taking
cover after being shot in the arm. Sam was okay, even though he'd been
nicked by a bullet. He came up to see how I was doing. I told him I
was fine even though I had lost a lot of blood.
said he was feeling a little dizzy, so he laid down on a moderate slope
close to the tree. I told him to lay where I was because of the protection
from the tree, and the incoming fire was more than sporadic. He said
he was okay, and he lay on his back about 10 yards from where I was.
He said the slope would give him protection because of the angle he
was, besides the fire was from behind, not in front.
called out to him every so often, he never answered, and I thought he
was asleep because we all had very little sleep. So many guys were being
brought in from being wounded or killed from the mess around us, my
mind switched to helping take care of these guys. We already had many
casualties from earlier that day.
someone came up to me, and said Sam was dead. I was shocked, because
he was still just 10 yards away from me. He must have been shot not
long after he lay down. Today, I wish that I had checked on him sooner,
or at least made him get behind that tree. Sam will be remembered always,
because he was one of us. God rest his soul.~Jerry Lomax, Mike