on Oct. 17, 1947
Casualty was on Nov. 8, 1967
Panel 29E - - Line 50

(Picture courtesy of Steve Dengler)
David Jones served with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike
Company. He was Killed In Action during Operation ESSEX. His name
stands proudly on the Mike 3/5 Wall of Honor.
Semper fi, Brother Marine. We will never forget.
Semper Fi, My Friend
Little, Don Kretsinger and David Jones were all from Illinois. They
had a dollar bill torn into 3 pieces, and each had a piece. I remember
Bill talking about how they were going to put it back together when
they got back to the World, and have a beer to celebrate living
through that nightmare. I believe they all went through boot camp
together, and ended up in Mike Company.
memory serves me, they were all killed in a short time span. Kretsinger
was killed the next day when he stepped on a booby-trapped bomb, I
am not sure about Jones, I believe he was shot. After
we were bushwacked and the wounded were loaded on the chopper to BAS,
a second lieutenant, don't remember his name, was also KIA at that
time, and they forgot to put his body on the chopper and had to carry
it with them. The next day, the company was ambushed again, and they
took a lot of casualties.
Semper fi,
Roger "Nick" Nicholson

name is Amber Jones and I am the daughter of David's youngest brother
Rick. I never had the honor of meeting my Uncle David but somehow
I feel like he is a part of me. I never knew a lot about how my
uncle was killed until about a month ago. My father got out some
of the letters that my Uncle David had sent him when he was away
at war. I know that it was very hard for my dad to show me those
letters but I am so happy that he did.
I read the letters I felt so much closer to my uncle and so much
pain for my dad. Even though my uncle was away at war and away from
his family in the worst conditions imaginable he never showed it
through his letters. He always showed hope and concern for how everyone
was doing back home.
dad was very young when my uncle lost his life at war and just by
reading those letters I knew how much they loved each other. I know
that there is not a day that goes by that my grandparents don't
think about him. It is very difficult for my grandparents to talk
about what happened because the pain is still so strong even though
it has been over 30 years.
Uncle David is one of the bravest men that ever lived along with
the all of the other boys and men who went off to war and gave their
lives for our country. I pray to God every night that my Uncle David
is in a place now where there is no war and no fighting. Even though
I never knew my Uncle David, I feel so very proud of him and he
truly is my hero.
you...God Bless...Amber Jones

following letter was written to David Jones' niece, Amber, by his
former Platoon Sergeant, Craig Sullivan
Uncle David
read your Memorial for your Uncle David, and you touched my
heart so very deeply. Amber, I was very fond of David. He was such
a likable person and everyone who knew him could not help but like
him. He was always so full of life and had a way about him
that just made you feel good to know him.
would like to tell you a little about David. The day I first
met him our unit was at a place called Tam Ky. That day it was extremely
hot and there was no shade anywhere. I remember that day so very well.
I was laying under a poncho shelter I had put up to block off the
I was laying there, I saw three young Marines walking towards where
I was. They were laughing and cutting up as they approached
me. When they saw me laying there, they did not know that I
was the Platoon Sergeant because I did not have on my shirt.
had his cap pushed way back on his head and was laughing. His shirt
was unbuttoned and his rifle was hung over his shoulder. I did not
say anything to them at first, I just watched them.
David said, "Hey Man, where is that Crazy Platoon Sergeant
for the First Platoon?" (My nick name was Crazy, someone must
have told them that on the way over to our platoon). They just laughed, I got out from under the
poncho and stood there looking at them for a few seconds before
I said anything to them. Then I said, "I'm the Crazy Platoon
Sergeant, who are you?"
will never forget the look on their faces. They quit laughing and
jumped to attention and said they were reporting to me for duty.
the years I have remembered that day so clearly, I guess I always
will and when I do, I just smile to myself every time I think about
it. That day was one of the highlights of my tour in Vietnam. Meeting
David, William "Butch" Little and Donald Kretsinger.
David was a good Marine, a good person and he was someone that I
could always count on. David was a hard charger and he always got
the job done. When he was promoted to Corporal his men respected
him and thought very highly of him. David always put his men first
and took care of them.
felt I needed to tell you a little about him and let you know that your
Uncle David was an inspiration not only to me, but to all who knew
him. I for one will always miss him. I hope that I have given you
a little something that you can hold on to about your Uncle David.

made us laugh even in the hardest of times
following letter was written to David Jones' niece, Amber, by Jack
Swan, 1st platoon M/3/5
name is Jack Swan. I was with your uncle David Jones on Operation
ESSEX, Nov. 8, 1967, Viet Nam. Msgt. Craig Sullivan, who was our
1st platoon seargent at the time, has told you about the great young
man your Uncle David was. He had a way of making you laugh even
in the hardest of times. He loved life and knew what to expect from
it. Please tell your father Rick that his brother fought hard to
the end. Always remember, Amber, that your uncle David is in a peaceful
place. He will always be with you.
all the men of Mike 3/5, we wish you the best in life. Swanie
was the best looking kid at Lincoln High School, whether he was
working at Myers Bros. or at Frank's Food Fair. All in all, David
was one of a kind. A real gentleman. A real ladies' man. The girls
loved him. He was a good dude. He was our brother.
you are not forgotten, nor will you ever be forgotten. The night
that I found out that you were gone, I could not go home. I drove
around for hours thinking about you. You were so close to coming
home. Why did you have to leave us. I will be coming to Lincoln
to visit your gravesite soon. You are sorely missed. I talked to
your mother the other night. She is such a sweet lady. Take care
David. We will all be up there to see you soon. Do not despair.
Although we were not real close friends, I feel that we are now.
Seymour and Gloria were blessed to have you as a son.