Pfc. Jared
Frisbie served with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Lima Company.
His name stands proudly on the Lima Wall of
Honor, alongside the Marines and Corpsmen he served with. Semper
Fidelis, Brother Marine. We will never forget.
Jared and I were
in platoon 227 at PI. We bunked next to each other there, and became
friends. He and I pulled together to get through the long days at PI.
Jared talked a lot about his town and his girl, Shirley. She was the
one that called me in South Boston to tell me of his death, 15 days
incountry...didn't have a chance I guess.
I went to his town..
near Albany and met his girl Shirley and his family. Saw the town and
the places he talked about. I wrote his mom several times...she's moved
since. I guess there's a sister in Taunton, MA... I would like to meet
her... Jane...I am at Fire HQ in Boston...617-343 3630...I guess I am
on a mission to meet some of the boys that we graduated with... Met
RYAN, and a few others.
Jared your mom sent
me picks of you...I have them. We were gonna change the world when you
got out.. thanks for being there for me, I hope I was there for you.
I plan to visit your grave this Fall and see if Shirley is still there.
I'm 51 now, reading your bio was moving. looking for others to talk
to. I miss my buddy, MIKE GRIGALUNAS, 7-4-99