on Nov. 4, 1949
Casualty was on May 9, 1968
Panel 57E - - Line 24
Richard Allen Huffman served
with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike Company. He was Killed In
Action during Operation HOUSTON II when Mike Co. ran into an NVA Base
Camp on Hill 1192 on Haivan Pass. His name stands proudly on the Mike 3/5 Wall of Honor.
Semper Fi, Brother Marine. We will never forget.

I am Rocco E. Giambrocco. In 1968 I served with 'M' Company,
3rd Battalion, 5th Marines in Thua Thien Province in Vietnam. I knew
Rick Huffman. He was my friend, and he was the friend of Dave Johnston.
Together we went up a mountain called Hill 1192. We were all wounded
there, but Rick died there. When I was hit, Rick and Dave came down
the trail to pull me in. Rick was hit in the head almost immediately.
Dave pulled him to a safer spot while I tried to help.
Then Dave applied bandages to Rick and talked to him while I laid down
cover fire. This went on for hours. Our Company was cut to ribbons.
Dave kept Rick alive for so long a time, but Dave kept telling me he
knew Rick would not make it.
After several hours Rick died, and Dave came and began to pull me out.
Together we pulled Rick up the trail with us. Then Dave was hit by an
exploding mortar shell. Rick was placed with the dead, and Dave and
I were treated and continued to fight for our lives.
When evac choppers came, I was put on one that ended up being shot down
on the way to NSA Hospital in Da Nang. Dave came out on another chopper,
and we eventually ended up back in the war.
We spoke about Rick a lot. Rick was proud to be there. So were we. I
still have that pride. We never forgot Rick.
Dave lost his own life on March 3, 1969 in Quang Nam, and I was wounded
two days earlier. I miss both of these brave young men who were both
put in peril to save my life. That cost Rick his own.
There are those of us who will always remember. I will. Thank you Rick,
and I hope God gave you something fun to do. ~Rock

Mike 3/5 Wall of
Base Camp
Mike 3/5 battle on Haivan Pass
May 8-13, 1968