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Memory of "Doc" Ron Parlee "Doc" Ron Parlee passed away in his sleep from bilateral pulmonary pneumonia April 13, 2001. He transferred to U.S.S. Grand Canyon AD-28 from August 1964 to January 1966, during which time had deployment of 6-month Mediterranean cruise and 6-month stint at Norfolk, Virginia. During this time advanced to HM3(E-4). Became the proud father of Sharon Margaret and Tracy Rowen. Re-enlisted as regular Navy in September 1965 on board the Grand Canyon. He attended Optical Technician School at Bethesda, Maryland from February 1966 to August 1966. Transferred to U.S.N.H. #2 at Chelsea, Massachusetts as optical technician from August 1966 to February 1968. Advanced to HM2 & assumed the role of senior enlisted of the EENT clinic during this time.While at U.S.N.H. #2 initiated the training curriculum for the optical technician phase of the on-the-job training for EENT technicians.Transferred to Camp Pendleton, California, for FMF training in February 1968, as 2nd platoon commander. Served as Corpsman for seven years until medically discharged. Served onboard the USS Barry (DD-933), and USS Grand Canyon (AD-28) out of Newport, RI. Stationed at USNH #2 at Chelsea, Mass. FMF with 3rd Bn. 5th Mar 1st Marine Division, then back to US finishing at MCAS, El Toro, CA. Doc was senior Corpsman for India 3/5 from May-June '68. He was there to help medevac my husband Brad out when Brad stepped on the mine, June 15, '68. It was both Doc's and Brad's third Purple Heart.~DR "We were told to saddle up, and jumped off from Liberty Bridge where the company headed into the A Shau Valley the first of June. Received first Purple Heart the morning of June 11, the second Heart the afternoon of the 11th. Then the evening of the 15th got hit by a superior force, and while being supported by an artillery unit, received third Heart due to a short round."~Doc Parlee
Doc Ron and Terry Parlee
The following messages were taken from the USMC Combat Wife Message Board beginning April 13, 2001, when we first heard the news that Doc Ron Parlee had passed away. We hope the outpouring of love and support in these comments will bring comfort to his Family and All who knew and loved him. Semper fi, Doc, we will never forget!! Date:
04/13/01 06:37:38 AM I'm just writing to say that we received some sad news this morning. We got a phone call from Terry Parlee telling us that her husband, Ronald (Doc) Parlee, passed away last night. Details of his death are not yet known to us except that he went the way most people want to go, in his sleep. Doc was a good person and a great friend, as is his wife, Terry, and he will be greatly missed by all. I know his absence will be felt, especially at the upcoming reunion of 3/5 in LaGrange, GA. I do not know at this time if Terry will attend the reunion but I really hope she does. I just want to say that we love you Terry and wish we could be there in person but please know that our thoughts are with you during this time of grief. Doc is in a better place now but knowing that does not ease the pain of his loss. May God Bless you and watch over you Terry. We love you very much. Love, Brenda and Curtis Eidson. Brenda and Curtis Eidson (I/3/5)
didn't know Doc Parlee but feel a great loss with this news. To his
wife, Terry, please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. Sailor
rest your oar. Thank you Curtis and Brenda for letting us know...it's never easy to break sad news. We are stunned, and deeply saddened...Took us 33 years to find Doc Parlee, we are devastated by his loss. Our prayers are with you, Terry, and all of you who knew and loved this very special man. Semper fi, Doc!! Date: 04/13/01
08:59:10 AM Dear
3/5 Wives, Brothers, and Friends, I am shocked by the news of Doc
Parlee, he always had a joke or two to pass along. I received daily
e-mails from him. I certainly hope the family knows that a lot of
folks are praying for them right now. This is never easy to deal with
and seems to be harder as time moves on even though we grow old we
always think we are . Ron McCarville, Kilo 3/5 Date:
04/13/01 10:07:10 AM Good
to hear from you, Ron. We are crushed, but very grateful for the short
time we had with Doc Parlee, too short...thank you for letting us
know you're here...this is a tough one for All...we will be here all
day as many condolences are coming in, stay close as we need you now
more than ever. Date:
04/13/01 10:48:16 AM Debbe:
The pipes will play slowly in memory of Doc Parlee tonight. Date:
04/13/01 11:34:24 AM Sorry to hear the news about Doc Parlee. My prayers go out to the family. Larry Searight (M/3/5) Date:
04/13/01 05:58:59 PM Our
hearts are heavy and in our silence our prayers are with. Doc is on
his journey into the arms of God. He will be missed. Date:
04/13/01 01:26:47 PM The
only info we have is what we have heard from Curtis. We are deeply
saddened by this news. We have lost another brother. We give our deepest
and most heart felt condolences to Terry and our prayers are with
her at this time of her great loss. Go peaceably into that good night
"Doc" and your well deserved rest. Rest your oar sailor
and Semper Fi Marine. We will miss you. Jimmie and Kathy Christy (I/3/5) Date:
04/13/01 03:46:35 PM I am deeply saddened by what has happened. I never would have that my doc would go like this. He had so much to give all the time. He was very caring to all of us. There is no words I am very hurt, especially since I just had one my aunts that I loved dearly pass away Friday, I will miss those jokes. May God have you right there next to him. Date:
04/13/01 06:59:44 PM Doc
you may have left us last night while we slept. I as your friend well
always remember you and me on the rock getting shot at in that far
away land. Now Doc you left this world to be in a better place we
call "HEAVEN". Our other "Brothers" who went before
us was there to say "Hello Doc, Just wanted to say thanks for
all your help you did in Nam to safe us. Now you can rest with us,
And Guard these gates of Heaven with 3/5. Semper Fi! Doc I'll always
remember you, Say hi Eddie Garcia (I/3/5), Jerry Bain (I/3/5) and Doc Ron Parlee (I/3/5) Date: 04/13/01 06:07:00 PM Date: 04/13/01 06:28:49 PM Mike Mannell (I/3/5) Date:
04/13/01 06:52:09 PM I
did not really know Doc Parlee, but it is obvious he had many friends
who made him a very rich man, if not in dollars, in moral stature.
All humanity must pause and moan at the passing of one of its great
and well-loved members. As a Marine, I cannot help but to grieve the
loss of one of our valued Navy Corpsmen. HSH Date:
04/13/01 07:52:53 PM Even
though I did not get to know Doc, he is obviously someone a lot of
people cared for. Janet and I wish Terry all the comfort she can get
from knowing that we all care for our brothers in arms. Date:
04/13/01 08:34:57 PM You are right Hans, Doc had many friends but not only did he have friends, he was a friend. He and Terry were guests in my home twice and I only regret that I won't have the opportunity to see and speak with him again. My thoughts and prayers are with Terry. May God watch over her. Date:
04/13/01 10:38:54 AM Taps Day
is done Fading
light Date:
04/13/01 06:55:30 PM Brothers,
One of our own has departed. I seldom write to my 5th Marine buddies,
I cannot go to the reunions. I have a hard time with all of the memories.
But, Doc Parlee and all of us left, please know each of you are carried
in my heart everyday. I regret I can't be close, but I care greatly
for each of you. Doc, you made a difference. Date:
04/13/01 07:17:21 PM This
has been a sad day for me and for Curtis. I can't help but remember
last May at the lake, seeing Doc there talking and laughing with everyone.
He is going to be sorely missed this May by us all. I hold his memory
in my heart and wish the best for Terry at this sad time. God Bless
you Terry and may God hold Doc in the palm of his hand. What
a loss. Words are hard to come by at time like this. Doc, you will
always be with us in our thoughts and memories. To your family and
loved ones - May you all find the needed strength to get you through
this difficult time. If you need anything or if we can help in any
way please let us know. Earl "Dutch" Schultz (I/3/5) Date:
04/13/01 07:32:17 PM Heaven
is even a better place tonight because we all know Doc Parlee is there. WE
04/14/01 05:15:04 AM Hello
everyone. I have just gotten off the phone with Terry Parlee. She
is doing OK but very upset right now. She is trying to get all things
arranged. She is still not completely sure as to any details. She
is to let me know just as soon as things are set. As of now Doc. will
be cremated and placed in a National Cemetery in Northern CA. An autopsy
is to be done Monday and plans are to be finalized after that. I will
try and let all know what is what as I know. Keep close watch on Debbe's
message board for more details. We will compile the messages and a
graphic that Vic made so Terry will have something from all of us. Thank
you so much for letting us know, Curtis. We all want to give Terry
all the room she needs here...the outpouring of love for Doc and Terry
is so evident in all these wonderful messages. We are here to do whatever
needs be. It is always so sudden no matter when, but the Doc has surely earned a special seat in heaven and what is so hard for us is his final peace. He is in our prayers as are all that knew him. Christine & Ed Date:
04/14/01 05:34:35 AM Just to let everyone know that Terry is not at home right now but with friends in OR. Please don't try to call her home right now. She is very upset and loves all of you and she knows you love her. If you want to send a card please do so to: Terry
Parlee Terry
would really love that and enjoy hearing from you that way. She is
not online at all right now and I am sure she will not be for several
days so please don't load her mail box to much. She wants to know
that you are there and needs to hear from you. It's just very hard
right now as you can imagine. Be safe. You know when we left that God forsaken place in Southeast Asia you thought in the back of your mind that it is over and the heartaches will end. But it is starting again but this time it is not an enemy army that is depleting our ranks, it is Time. Doc you will be missed by me and our India brothers. God bless you and keep you. Date:
04/14/01 07:44:00 AM I
am at a loss for words. I know all of us feel the same loss of one
of one of our brothers as Terry does we have been separated, alone
so long and now we come together only to lose Doc. I hope the Lord
was kind to Doc and took him peacefully. As we all know Doc will be
standing amongst the Marines above us watching over us. Dennis Tenety (I/3/5) Date:
04/14/01 07:45:55 AM Man
I don't know what to say - there are no words that can describe the
sadness. Doc and Terry have been here in my email practically
every day with loving thoughts and words. Not much else I can say
right now, so hard to believe...gonna miss him. Semper Fi. Doc Parlee My friend: I
wish I were a poet so I could make things rhyme, but I am not. Doc Parlee and Curtis Eidson Date:
04/14/01 08:15:16 AM Curtis,
Thank you so much for this poem & all that you have done for Doc
& me. Doc & I were talking the other day about the surprise
we gave you in April 1999. The time spent that day with you &
Brenda were treasured far more than you will ever know. He considered
you & Brenda FAMILY. Which he didn't easily do. I know that he
is looking down on you right now & smiling that devilish smile
of his. He loved you very much as I love you both. Semper Fi! Very
well put, Semper Fi! Doc until we meet again. We received this message from our dear friend, Doc Fred Gardner, aka "The Kilted Quack." When Doc Gardner heard about Doc Parlee's passing, he played his bagpipes in a private backyard ceremony in Detroit. Thank you so much Doc, what a wonderful tribute!! Subj:
Doc Parlee Doc
Ron Parlee has just been piped aboard his next duty station. St. Peter
is a piper in the Marine Corps Band. Amazing Grace and the Marine
Corps Hymn welcomed Doc Parlee to his next command. Sailor Rest Your
Oar; Semper Fi and a job well done. Doc Fred and Pat Gardner Date:
04/14/01 08:08:14 AM I
am in total shock. I just got into my home computer to check messages
and found an Easter card from him. I can't believe he was dead before
I even got it. I only met him last year at the reunion and thank God
I went. I would have missed this great warm hearted gentleman. Corpsman
have a special place in every marine's heart but Doc took it to an
even higher level. My wife and I will truly miss this guy and I want
Terry to know we all feel the sadness in her heart right now. Where
Doc has gone he can be sure there will be other marines to watch over
him as before. Jim Blankenheim (H&S and M/3/5) Date:
04/14/01 08:09:02 AM My
darling Doc, I spoke with Curt this morning & he told me of this
tribute. I don't think Doc knew all those that cared about him. I
don't really know what to say but to say Thank You all for all you
love, support, kind words & prayers. They are much appreciated.
As Curt has told you definite plans are still in progress. I am planning
to attend in May as much for Doc as for myself. I know that he was
so looking forward to seeing everyone again & meeting new people
as well. Again I want to thank you all for everything you have done.
Doc was so happy talking with all of you. You all hold a very special
place in my heart. I know that you will miss my darling Doc too. Doc and Terry Date:
04/14/01 08:15:17 AM Re: My darling Doc So good to hear from you, dear Sis!! And so glad to see this wonderful outpouring of love from so many. We are here for you, no matter what. Love you!!! Date:
04/14/01 08:18:01 AM Debbe
& Brad, Words alone cannot express how much I love this tribute
to Doc. I know he would feel honored by this as I am. Thanks so much!
I love you all. Doc, Terry and Brad Date:
04/14/01 08:09:49 AM I just want to say "Thank You" for all you are doing for Doc and Terry. Your board is great! Tears did fall but only because i know doc is with the rest of guys from 3/5. Love you girl. Date:
04/14/01 09:57:46 AM We received this beautiful graphic from Vic Vilionis, 7th Marines, in honor of Doc Ron Parlee. We will be posting a larger copy of it along with all your wonderful comments on a Memorial page for Doc. We pray you ALL receive a measure of comfort in being able to share our love for Doc and Terry Parlee. God bless. Date:
04/14/01 12:17:06 PM Thanks
for the info and sorry to hear about Doc Parlee Bowers (M/3/5)
04/14/01 12:19:41 PM Julie and I are saddened to hear of the passing of Doc Parlee. If I'm remembering correctly, didn't he have some serious health issues late last year? What a shame, not to have seen him again. Semper fi really means something, doesn't it? Mark Rader. Date:
04/14/01 12:26:19 PM I am truly saddened by the news of Doc Parlee. Although I didn't know him, He was still a brother Marine in every sence of the word. Every combat Marine knows the value of a Corpsman. I for one owe my life to the Corpsman that tended to me when I was WIA in the Arizona. This brother will be greatly missed. I know from what I know about him that he had a great love and compassion for his fellow man. I would like to extend my condolences to his wife and family at this time of there loss. And if there is anything I can do please let me know. Jimmie Cristy Date:
04/14/01 12:29:22 PM This
SUCKS! I just saw Doc in August of last year and he looked great.
We have lost another warrior and friend..............he will be missed.
Men such as Doc do not come along everyday. Semper Fi Doc. Date:
04/14/01 12:55:25 PM For Doc Parlee and Terry: No
matter what plans we make, there is another plan greater than we know; Date:
04/14/01 04:41:23 PM Thank you for this poem Brenda. It says things clearly enough & maybe in time even I will come understand & accept all that it says. Love & hugs to you, Terry Date:
04/14/01 03:26:27 PM Curtis called me early Friday to tell me of Doc's passing. As I checked my e-mail there was Doc's daily greeting and his best wishes for a Happy Easter. Doc's was a giving man, he gave all he to us 30 some odd years ago and continued to so until his passing. He was a Friend, Comrade and most importantly a Brother. The World has lost a Good Man , my prayers and my love go out to Terry and the rest of the Parlee Family. Date:
04/14/01 12:35:27 PM Just
got to my e-mail and read the sad news about the Doc. Please let me
know what happened. I didn't know him until last year, but so glad
I had the chance to share sometime with our brother. When a tragedy
like this happens it sort of sends me back to the Nam and I remember
how we felt when we lost one of our own. I remember doc telling me
how his life was finally where he wanted it and how happy he and his
bride were. I'm glad he got a little piece of it. Shame on us if we
don't enjoy what we have and what we could have. Again please let
me know what happened. John Costello and Eddie Garcia (I/3/5) Date:
04/14/01 03:31:47 PM I have just gotten off the phone with Terry Parlee. She is very upset right now but doing as best considering. She is understandably confused but a real Marine about what has to be done. She is a very smart lady and will do the right thing for sure. She still has not made any arrangements but she is to let me know as soon as she does. I will post updates all along to let yall know as I know. She wants all to know that she really loves yall and wants yall to know that she will be here in May. She is reading all the post on this site but can't as yet deal with the volumn of mail. Keep posting because it picks her up knowing that yall love her. Later Date:
04/14/01 03:45:04 PM Thank you for letting us know...we are here for ALL...and very grateful for all the love and support. HUGS!!! Date:
04/14/01 04:38:09 PM No
truer words can be said my friend. Reading what you are all writing
is brings me closer to all of you as well as closer to Doc. I will
con't to monitor this page as often as possible. Thank you doesn't
seem sufficient but you have it just the same. I love you all. Date:
04/14/01 03:50:45 PM Debbe,
Thanks for your appreciation for the graphic, it isn't much, and I
only wish it was done for other reasons rather than the passing of
one of 3/5 cherished Corpsmen. I was looking forward to meeting "Doc",
and now never will but I do hope in a time of sorry he will be remembered
instead for his sacrifices and duty towards his fellow man, especially
during those trying times when I'm sure he helped to save many a Marine
who was able to grow old. Sometimes,in death, we have to celebrate
life, for we all have to travel the same road, some, arriving at their
destination before others. May "Doc" rest in Peace, and
those who loved him take comfort that he won't be forgotten. Vic
Vilionis Date:
04/14/01 04:10:48 PM Rosa & I are still in shock about Doc. A couple of days ago, I had got an email from Terry about Doc being under the weather, but I had no idea. Curtis had sent me an email also. Thanks for letting me know. Doc Parlee will surely be missed by all. We loved him very much. Rod (bones). Date:
04/14/01 04:10:48 PM To all of my 3/5 brothers, wives, and especially Terry Parlee. My heart is very heavy right now because of the passing of the Doc. I have thought of him on a daily basis since our last reunion. He was one of the most gentle people I have ever met. He was always ready to help. Whether in a combat situation, or to tell you a joke to take the edge of a stressful day. I will miss him immensely. If there is anything I can do to help you Terry, please let me know. Sincerely Gunny Date:
04/14/01 04:34:28 PM Thank
you Gunny for both the words & pictures. I know he will be waiting
with open arms for all of you. You were what he always said "My
Marines". He loved each & everyone of you. Thank you for
everything. Gunny (I/3/5) and Bones (I/3/5) and Rosa Date:
04/14/01 08:29:49 PM May you all have a wonderful Easter that brings new hope and peace to all of us. You will all be in my prayers of thanks as I could not have found a better group of people to connect to. God Bless! Christine Date:
04/14/01 10:24:03 PM It
does my heart good to read the outpouring of affection, respect, admiration
and condolences for Doc Parlee. And, Terry, you are some kinda woman
to be out here and responding to folks at this time. I just had to
say that my heart swells with pride to be in touch with such good
people. Too many in the world don't know how to share their feelings
and I don't see any of that here. My heart goes out to you, girl,
we've talked about you for 2 days straight and never met you or Doc.
Love you just the same as if we knew you both. Needed you to know
there are folks you don't even know who are holding you real close
to their hearts. Name:
Terry Parlee Thank
you so much. I appreciate & love everyone out here. Many blessings
to you. April 15, 2001 Name:
Terry Parlee Good
Morning to all of you! I wanted to say Happy Easter to all of our
brothers/sisters out here this morning. Though my heart is mournful
this morning I do know we all have to believe that all things that
happen are for the good. I also know that Doc would have wanted to
wish you all a very Blessed Easter today & with prayers that many
blessing will fall upon you all. Thank you for all your thoughts &
prayers. I do feel them. Please be safe & happy today. Love &
hugs Terry
Parlee Good
Morning Terry. I was hoping you would call this morning but maybe
you didn't feel like talking and I can understand that. Just try to
remember that Jesus died so good men like Doc would spend eternity
with Him. He has to be looking down on us all right now with love.
We will all see him again, we just have to wait a while longer. May
God bless you this Easter Terry, you are in my thoughts and my heart.
I love you Sister. And Good Morning to you, Terry...so good to know you are with us here! You are so right about Doc, we would have been opening several of his great emails right about now...he knew how to start our day with grins and giggles...I was afraid Easter would take on a different meaning for us...but now I know it will just be that much more special remembering how we all came together at this time, with a closeness no one will forget...I can now face this Easter morn, and look to Heaven and say "Thank You, Lord" for caring for us in our time of need, and for gently lifting our Brother up to his special place. We love you, Sis, thank you for being there for US too. Hugs!!! Brad and Deb (M/3/5) Date:
04/15/01 10:37:37 AM Terry,
we know that Doc. is smiling on us with happy thoughts. Easter is
a time of Joy and giving for all. We give you our love and thoughts
completely and freely as we do and have everyday. As
I read all of the tributes this morning, I wonder at the things of
life and death. I have come to realize that Doc's life has not ended,
only that small part that comes with earthly existence. It is my feeling
that the love and support that comes across here is Doc' life working
through all of us. I feel his presence here lifting me up on this
easter sunday. thanks once again Doc. And to you Terry, I send this
feeling of love on to you this day. You are a blessed being to have
such people as he in your life. Happy Easter to all of you brothers
and sisters. I Love you all, Gunny Hi
Terry, just wanted to tell you I love ya, and want to thank you for
all you've done for Doc, and Me and so many of us. Semper fi, Lady!! TRIBUTE TO DOC PARLEE Doc
Parlee, he was our Corpsman Hank and Linda Oliver (I/3/5) Date:
04/15/01 05:08:26 PM Thanks
for those words Hank. Even though I am still lost with him it is nice
to know that he is where he should be. These words mean a lot to me.
Thank you. Date:
04/15/01 08:06:44 AM You
got a great way with words, Hank!! You put all our feelings into one
beautiful tribute. And I bet you probably got a tune to go with it...looking
forward to hearing your beautiful voice and songs in Georgia...thank
you so much for sharing this with us. Semper fi, Brother!! Thanks
Deb, no words can truly express how Terry and all that knew Doc are
feeling...I do have a tune for Doc's tribute, I don't know if I can
get through it without breaking up, though. Semper Fi, Hank Understand Brother, we've cried a river, but our tears of sadness are mixed with a pride I can't explain, pride in knowing we have been blessed a truly special couple...they have been lifesavers to us. I have committed your words to memory, they will be in my heart forever. Date:
04/15/01 02:34:36 PM My
deepest sympathy to Terry Parlee. New Orders have been cut for Doc
by the Supreme Commander. He will stand his post in heaven well. Greeneman (M/3/5) Date:
04/15/01 03:09:52 PM I
did not personally know Doc Parlee, but I do know that any man who
was a corpsman serving Marines in the field was a kind caring person
who would never have Paul O'Connell (M/3/5) Date:
04/15/01 03:23:56 PM So
sorry and our prayers go out to Doc's family and friends. Doug Maier (M/3/5) Date:
04/15/01 04:16:32 PM Terry
you have our deepest sympathy. It always saddens us to lose one of
our own. Date:
04/15/01 04:40:15 PM This
Easter evening my heart is still heavy with saddness. But I know Our
Doc is in heaven with our Lord. Knowing doc he is telling God a joke
or two. Terry our love and prayers are with you this day and always.
I'am going to miss those "pork Chop Side burns" Love you
Doc. Terry we are here for you Now and Always!! Hello
Jerry & Karen, Sorry I haven't been in touch with you personally
yet but I will I promise. Reading this board off & on during the
last few days has made some of the confusion & sense of loss ease.
My heart feels heavy today as well & it has been a very difficult
day. But I hope you know that Doc would have wanted all of you to
have a very happy & special Easter Sunday. Just give each other
lots of hugs & don't let today be wasted. Love each other please.
I will be in touch. Doc,
Corpsman, Medic, Hero, Saviour...all the same. Monty (left) M/3/5 Date:
04/15/01 07:05:47 PM You
said it all, Brother. Semper fi, Doc! Semper fi, Terry! We will never
forget!!! Hello Terry, God Love You Sweetie and give you strength to get though this terrible time in you life. Just can't imagine the sense of loss you are feeling right now! I am sending you a URL that I hope will give you some comfort. It is called the "Letter From Heaven." Somehow I think Doc would have wanted you to read it. LETTER
deepest sympathy to Doc Family in their hour of sorrow. I did not
know Doc but in nearly five years of combat I have the highest respect
for Corpsmen. When everyone else is trying to get in a hole or as
low as you can get, you find the Corpsman up and running taking care
of the wounded when the word CORPSMAN UP! or DOC is sounded. We'll
remember DOC in our prayers. Date:
04/15/01 08:54:51 PM It is with sincere sadness that we must again sound TAPS for one who has served his country and his fellow man. We of the Navy Seabees as well as USMC have learned that the "Rent-a-Doc" is the best and shall never be forgotten. Without Doc Ron Parlee my friend Brad may not have had the chance to be with us today. May he rest in peace. Art and Joan Roe Date:
04/15/01 08:31:18 PM Scott McClellan (H&S 2/7) Date:
04/15/01 08:55:06 PM Date:
04/15/01 07:36:52 PM Doc Whiskey (M/3/5) April 16, 2001 Date:
04/16/01 04:29:35 PM Bob and Karen Filice (HQ 5th Marines) Date:
04/16/01 07:18:03 PM Date:
04/16/01 10:27:53 AM Date:
04/16/01 09:41:46 AM Curtis Batten (M/3/5) April 17, 2001 Date:
04/17/01 09:37:57 AM I
am trying to clean up around the house some. As for what I want Joe
to do, anything he wants. The memorial services will be here in Redding
but the funeral services will be in Medford, Oregon at Eagle Point
National Cemetary. It depends on where he lives here in CA & how
far he wants to drive. Just let me know. I am going through pics of
Doc & will have one to you soon I promise. It seems each one brings
back a few extra memories. That is ok though. Don't worry about me
ok? I will talk to you later, love & hugs Date: 04/17/01 09:42:07 PM Date:
04/17/01 10:57:35 AM Grady Rainbow (M/3/5) Date:
04/17/01 05:44:12 AM Doc Joe Hoffer (L/3/1) Date:
04/17/01 01:12:34 AM April 18, 2001 Date:
04/18/01 07:32:38 AM I am indeed sorry
to hear of Doc Parlee's death. Would you be kind enough to express
my wife's and my sincere condolences? Thanks. Date: 04/18/2001 It always saddens me when we lose a brother. But we will all meet again one day as we stand guard at the gates greeting another brother Marine. gunnyb68
Gunny Belmont '68 Date: 04/18/2001 We're saddened
to get the news that Doc Ron Parlee has passed away. It's been a great
loss to us in 3/5 & to Terry. Our prayers go out to Terry
& her family. Date: 04/18/2001 On behalf of the Delta 1/5 brothers may I express our deepest sympathy and condolences to Doc's family and brothers. I knew Ron Parlee, he was a fine man and a good brother...With respect... Semper Fi
Dennis Tenety (I/3/5), Ed McCurry (H&S 3/5), Jim Blankenheim (H&S and Mike 3/5), Mike Wilson (H&S 3/5), "Doc" Ron Parlee (I/3/5), Eddie Garcia (I/3/5), Hank Oliver (I/3/5), John Gunderson (I/3/5), Jerry Lomax (M/3/5), Brad Reynolds (M/3/5), Jerry Bain (I/3/5), Curtis Eidson (I/3/5), John Costello (I/3/5), Rod Johnson (I/3/5), Howard Rainer (I/3/5). 3/5 Combat Wives 2000 Dorothy Rainer (I/3/5), Dana Wilson (H&S 3/5), Linda Oliver (I/3/5), Betty McCurry (H&S 3/5), Phyllis Blankenheim (H&S and M?3/5), Julie Morris (I/3/5), Debbe Reynolds (M/3/5), Brenda Eidson (I/3/5), Bev Alberson (friend), Terry Parlee (I/3/5), Rosa Johnson (I/3/5) and Karen Bain (I/3/5). FMF
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