In Loving Memory of Shirley Golbeck
Beloved Wife of Rick and Mother of Ricky and Aaron
Born December 30th, 1950, passed away July 4th, 2001
With All My Love, Rick
Shirley passed away at 5:05a.m. Wednesday, July 4th. I prayed with all my being for the Good Lord to be merciful and take her tenderly to ease her suffering and embrace her gentle soul. We're having a memorial service this Saturday for her, and she wished to be cremated and have her ashes placed up on the big hill where the big tall pines sway on our land. We've always called it "The Sacred Mound," and there I will build a grotto to place her ashes in along with those of our two children that preceded her to the hereafter. Our daughter Sarah died in September of '89 two days after birth, and son Hans died in October of '94 on my birthday and his at the moment of childbirth. I almost lost Shirley then too, she came so close to dying from loss of blood. They will be waiting for me and will greet me when my turn comes to travel to the hereafter.
My favorite one of her, and it was taken last summer after she caught that nice bass while we were out fishing together. Her smile says it all!
Almost at any given time of the day that woman of mine had headphones on singing away to herself, for music was just part of her gay and cheerful demeanor. Music was Shirley in a sense. It personified her nature. I really couldn't tell you her one particular favorite. If I had to choose just one song though that was our favorite and a very fitting one, it would be the one by Celine Dion, "My Heart Will Go On". We both loved that song and the movie "Titanic".
I am so touched by the love, support, and prayers of all my fellow Marines, their wives, children and families. I was so overwhelmed from all who have sent their regards and best wishes. I thank you for all your love and support.~Rick
Messages of Love for Shirley's Family
DATE: 07/2/01 08:42:56 PM
Name: Mitzi
Email: jomitzboy@yahoo.comHi Rick, Aaron and Ricky...can imagine what an emotional and tenacious time this is for you. There are so many thinking about you, praying for you and Shirley, and hoping we all learn to understand these transitions with more grace. They're just not easy in any way. I know your hearts are very heavy, there aren't any good words to offer other than to let you know how much we care about what you're feeling. Just know that you're not as alone as you might feel. Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way, Mitzi, Pappadoc and our boyz; Keith and Joey.
Date: 07/2/01 08:30:55 PM
Name: Christine
Email: Coral518@cs.comPrayers and love are with this family. So sorry to hear this news. Wish I could take some of their pain but all I can do is let them know they are in my prayers. Christine
Date: 07/2/01 01:33:12 PM
Name: Pappadoc
Email: jomitzboy@yahoo.comShirley and Rick, you are in our thoughts and prayers for as long as it takes. Let us know if there is anything you need. Love to you and the boys...Pappadoc
Date: 07/2/01 10:18:08 AM
Name: Joe Claroni
Email: bokci@aol.comPlease tell Rick that I will also pray for his wife and for him and their family. May they experience Gods peace and His presence in thier trials. Joe
Date: 07/2/01 09:26:08 AM
Name: Doc Gardner
Email: fred.gardner@compuware.comWe'll be saying prayers for Shirley and Rick and their sons.
Date: 07/3/01 01:30:14 PM
Doc and Pat Gardner
Name: Curtis
Email: Jarheadnam@aol.comOur hearts are heavy with grief for one of our people. Seems like it's getting more often now adays. We will keep this Marine in our prayers for sure.
Date: 07/3/01 05:41:02 AM
Name: Christine
Email: Coral518@cs.comJust so you know I am praying along with you. Even at church this morning. My heart is with the family. Christine
Date: 07/3/01 05:28:12 AM
Name: Doc Gardner
Email: fred.gardner@compuware.comPat & I will continue our prayers for Shirley and the family. Doc Gardner
Date: 07/3/01 09:52:35 AM
Name: Joe Claroni
Email: bokci@aol.comI will continue to keep her and her family in my daily prayers.She is in the palm of Gods loving hands. Joe
Date: 07/6/01 07:37:33 AM
Name: Redeye
Email: redeye_2001@yahoo.comMay you and your loved ones find peace through these times!
Date: 07/6/01 05:56:15 PM
Name: Curtis
Email: Jarheadnam@aol.comI would that I had the words to say what I feel like some educated people, but I don't. All I can say Rick is that many people have you and the family in their thoughts. Rest assured that the meaning of Semper Fi rings all the way around the world with you right now. Believe that and take what comfort from it. We are here at your convenience anytime, anyway. Later.
Date: 07/6/01 10:10:46 PM
Name: Mike Mannell
Email: McchMannell@aol.comI know that nothing anyone can say or do will ease the pain in your heart now. I wish I could say something other than I'm sorry to hear of your loss. God Bless.....Semper Fi...........
Date: 07/6/01 11:22:15 AM
Name: Bev
Email: DaveBevlov@aol.comDearest Rick,
God Love You my friend and give you strength at this difficult time in you life. My name is Bev and you might remember me some.. but I feel I know you very well. You were kind enough, even though it was very painful for you, to share with me and Denny's LaNore's family, the wonderful kid Denny (M/3/5 KIA) was with that awesome smile. Your kindness gave Denny's family much comfort.. even after all these years! I want to thank you for your thoughtfulness.
I am so sorry to hear of your terrible loss! The way Deb talked, Shirley has been ill for quite awhile, and suffering greatly. She is with the Angels now Rick... and free from all the pain and suffering she's been through. Her body may be gone.. but her gentle Spirit will always be with you! You will see her in a sunset or a falling star. And feel her love brush across you cheek when the gentle breezes blow. For what its worth.. I just needed to let you know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Words are often very had to find at a time like this but there is a very special Poem below that I hope will give you much comfort. And yes Rick..Shirley, Sarah and Hans will wait patiently for you to be with them and the heavens will be all yours!
I Stood Beside Your Bed Last Night
God Love You,
Bev (Combat Wife)I Stood By Your Bed Last Night
I stood beside your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
quietly in your sleep.
I touched you softly
as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast,
I watched you pour coffee,
You were thinking of how much you
were in LOVE with me.
I was with you at the store today,
Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels,
I wish I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today,
You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you,
that I'm not really there.
I walked with you to the house,
as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my hand on you,
I smiled and said "it's me."
You looked so very tired,
and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know,
that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be
so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away."
You sat there very quietly, then
smiled, I think you knew ...
In the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.
The day is over... I smile and watch
you yawning and say
"goodnight, God bless,
I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you
to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and
we'll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to
show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out
then come home to be with me.
Background and Flag at Half Mast Memorial Graphic made especially for Shirley Golbeck by Redeye.