Wallace Johnson III served as an FMF Corpsman in Vietnam with
the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike Company. His name stands proudly
on the Mike 3/5 Wall of Honor.
Semper fi, Doc. We will never forget.

FI Doc!
first time I met Doc Johnson was in the CP Tent. My first thoughts were,
Hey this guy belongs in front of some Science class someplace. About
5' 10," sandy hair and a mustache that had to have taken him the
better part of 23 years. Glasses topped off my first impression. I accepted
his handshake and he welcomed me into company CP group. Kindness is
not a big enough word. He helped the younger corpsman with enthusiasm.
He held his classes for the ailments we may have had, but we never heeded
his warnings. I cannot recall any time I heard him complain about anything.
I remember the night I was asked to go and indentify Doc. A night that
will stay in my memory forever. I may have been the last to say, "Goodbye,
Old horse." His name, along with others, are on my Wall. Semper
FI Doc! Even if you were an anchor clanker. I hope you call me friend.
Wallace B. Johnson lll, you are honored in this house.
Michael "Turk" Wears
USMC Mike 3/5 RVN 1967-1968