picture on the left was taken March of 1969, age 18. Young, but not
so innocent. In 1990, I went back to Vietnam. The picture on the right
was taken as I crawled out of one of the tunnels in Cu Chi."~Paul

O'Connell, Mike 3/5 I served with Mike 3/5 (1st platoon)
from October 1968 - September 1969. I arrived in country a PFC, and
by June 1969 was Combat meritoriously promoted to CPL. I was an 0311,
and progressed from a rifleman to fire team leader, to squad leader,
and for a brief time before I came home, right guide.
I participated in Operation Taylor Common (103 days in the bush), Musgokee
Meadows (kicked ass with Bravo 1/5), Pipestone Canyon (booby traps galore)
and Durham Peak. Also participated in many other actions that never
seemed to earn a name. I survived action in such dreaded places as the
Arizona, Dodge City, Go Noi Island, and the Que Son Mountains.~Paul

and Judy O'Connell
has posted the letters he wrote home from Vietnam
on the Vietnam Veterans Homepage site, some powerful reading of the
life of an 18-yr-old combat Marine. He has also written several poems about Vietnam
that are posted on the Mike 3/5 website. Thank you so much for sharing
your memories with us, Paul.
3/5 Website