Otell, Mike 3/5 Enlisted
7-67...Parris Island, Plt. #2015-grad. PI 9-67. -Camp Stone Bay, N.C.,
ITR, BST. -11-67-staging bat'l Camp Pendelton, CA. -12-67-AIC. -12-24-67,
DaNang, to 5thMar. HQ., assigned to "Medevac" Mike CO. Arrived
3/5 base camp. -12-24-67 pm (incoming satchel charge attack that evening).
-12-27-67 Operation AUBURN (acquire PRC 25, o.j.t., 0311/RO).
Many patrols, small ops, lots of night work. 1-31-68 TET ambushed
@ 1830 hrs. -2-3-68 reactionary op, accross Hwy. 1, heavy gun battle,
houch to houch w/NVA, casualties both sides, pull back, night medevacs.
-2-8-68 medevac out of country to Yokosuka Naval Hospital.
-Deadly NVA ambush, Hwy. 1, numerous KIA's, WIA's (what was left of
1st plt. from 2-3-68, got surrounded and jumped by a "well-concealed
numerically superior force," was able to direct the rest of Mike
CO. to our location with my radio, and they were able to fight thru
them and allow us to get our WIA's and later our KIA's to a ARVN compound
to start the medevac process. I was e-vac to NAS DaNang, then an A.F.

(click to enlarge)
Navy Achievment Medal for actions 7 February 68
Back to 3/5 Phu Bai, 3rd plt., patrols, sm ops, WIA.

Marines Terry Otell (left) and Benny (can't remember his last name)
May '68
Thua Thien-in charge of "F" troop 3/5 rear Phu Bai (remf's)(burn
shitters, etc.).
-5-25-68 Back to Okie.
-6-4-68 Reassigned to Marine Barracks, Sasebo, Japan.
-1-5-69 THE WORLD
-2-5-69 Camp Lejeune
-4-10-69 Discharged honorable
-5-2001 Cabinet maker by trade, working for the US Army Corps of Eng's
on the upper Allegheny River as a lock operator in western PA near
where I grew up north of Pittsburgh.
Home everyone!
Semper Fi, Terry Otell

3/5 Reunion 2001
Tom Wityak (M/3/5), Joe Smith (M/3/5), Craig Sullivan (M/3/5), Jim
Blankenheim (H&S and M/3/5), Terry O'Tell (M/3/5).
Back: Jerry Lomax (M/3/5), Denny Dinota (M/3/5), Jim Bisesi (H&S
3/5), Rock Giambrocco (H&S, I, and M/3/5), Brad Reynolds (M/3/5),
and Ken Fields (M/3/5).

(click to enlarge)
Mike 3/5
3/5 Reunion 2002

USMC Birthday
Philadelphia, PA
Nov. 10, 2002
Reynolds (M/3/5), Jack Swan (M/3/5), Terry O'Tell (M/3/5), Richard
Bright (H&S/3/5), Bill Vandegriff (M/3/5), Debbe Reynolds
3/5 Website
by Redeye)