Randy Pelt
Pelt, Mike and India 3/5 I
went through Parris Island 1967-68 (Platoon 1085). After being medevaced
from Vietnam in April 68, I went to OCS and the Officer’s Basic School
(4-69). I got to run around the hills of Camp Pendleton until they
sent me back to VN in 1969. I was a platoon commander with India Company
from August until I was medevaced in November.
I returned in December I was assigned to Mike Company as XO. About
Feburary 1970, Lt. Clair gave me the third platoon with the condition
that I’d still do the XO duties. (I got 1st Sgt. Baney to do all the
XO paperwork for me.) Thanks Top! I assumed the CO slot when Lt. Ted
Lewis left in July. Capt. Hill replaced me in August and I again assumed
the CO duties when he was medevaced three or four days later. When
I rotated home in September, I went to the 1st ITR at Camp Lejeune
as the CO of a training company. I got off active duty in October
all the jobs I’ve had in my life, the one I absolutely enjoyed the
most was being an infantry officer with India and Mike Companies.
I never met a Marine or Sailor I did not like. Thanks guys for looking
out for me! Semper Fi Devil Dawgs!

emages to enlarge)
1. 3/5 sign-An
Mike Company area at An Hoa
3. An Hoa from the air-1969
4. Randy Pelt, Monsoon, Oct. 1969
1. Randy
Pelt, Que Sons, Dec. 1969
2. Lt. Col. Geston-Que Sons, Dec. 1969
3. M Co.-Que Sons, Dec. 1969
4. Artillery
strike in the Phu Nhuans
5. M Co. returning to An Hoa

Pelt (left) and 3 LTs, Yosuku, Japan '69

1. An
Hoa February 1970
2. and 3.
M Co. in The Arizona, RVN, April/May
4. Resupply, Arizona-May 1970
M Co. staging for
the bush from Hill 37

1. Three Amigos
2. Randy Pelt, trying to look busy
3. Hootch above Liberty Bridge
Liberty Bridge, April 1970
1 . Lt. Pat Nappi
2. Randy Pelt, Hill 37 French Fort
3. Lt. Lewis CO- An Hoa Apr. 1970

1. Hill
52 in April 1970
2. Hill 52
3. Airstrike off Hill 52
4. A
Dud RPG round (April 1970) exactly the way it fell

1. Charlie
2. Airstrike-Charlie Ridge
3. WIA, Charlie Ridge May 1970
4. Medevac off Charlie Ridge
5. POW
1. Hill
65, June 1970
2. Off Hill 55
3. Self-propelled