Rainbow when he made Corporal in Nov. '69. Officers are Lt. Shaffer
(Aide-de-Camp) and BGen. Charles S. Robertson. This was his Combat Meritorious
promotion after he got out of the hospital and was stationed at Division

Rainbow, Mike 3/5 I joined Mike Company as a PFC in
March '69 at the end of Operation Taylor Common. I was wounded in a
night ambush, walking point, on April 1st. I participated in Operations
Muskogee Meadows and Pipestone Canyon.
second Heart came June 23, 1969, and I was medevaced to Da Nang the
1st part of July. I left the hospital in September '69, and was assigned
to the CG's Staff 1st Mar Div. I extended my tour, and after making
Sergeant transferred to MP Company, 1st Mar Div. I came home in August
reenlisted, and served until 3 August 1984 when I was discharged for
disability. I acquired nerve damage to my spine from injuries, and have
no cartilage in either knee from running (the Corps got REAL big on
running). I left the Corps as a Gunnery Sergeant, and was on the promotion
list for 1st Sgt.
I served with "L" 3/3, 5th MAB, "L" 3/7 1st MarDiv,
Recruiting Duty RSS El Paso, "G" 2/5 & H & S 2/5 1st
Mar Div, Recruiting again RS Oklahoma City, HQ CO HQ
BN 1st Mar Div (Company GySgt),
Comm Co HQ Bn (1stSGT), Detachment GySgt/Guard Officer USS Long Beach
CGN-9, OP's Chief LFTC PAC, Company GySgt H&S 3/3 1st Brigade.
I have a wonderful wife (a former WAC, USA), two grown daughters (one
a former Marine). I now live in Oklahoma City, and work as a Group Manager
in Examination for t
he Internal Revenue
am a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (the national
convention is in Oklahoma City this year 1999), a Charter founder of
the Second Amendment Task Force, NRA, and a member of the NRA.
I have written my memories of Viet Nam & Mike Co. for my children
and would welcome any input from anyone that knew me.~Grady

to Sergeant with Colonel Noble Beck (5th Marines Regiment CO) and Brigadier
General William F. Doehler, 1st Division ADC.

Hill, Danang

11th Motors coming back from a body ID detail to Da Nang, Corporals
Boren, Fargo (aka "Flower Child"), Labaday and Tyson. Tyson
was KIA shortly thereafter.
Cpl. "Smitty" Smith. "He saved my butt the first
time I got hit in April, 1969."
Kit Carson Scout Da', taken on Operation Pipestone Canyon. He
and his family were murdered by the VC in 1970.
Grady Rainbow's
Mike 3/5 Memoirs
"Daddy, why do you
where green?"
Danielle Rainbow's poem for her Dad
3/5 Website

This little darlin' is Skylr Ethan Taylor, newest addition to Grady
Rainbow's wonderful family. A new have been blessed
again, Brother Marine. We share your pride, and send our best
to All!

by Redeye)