Seablom, Mike 3/5 Served with M Co. 3/5 1966-67
My dad was a World War II hero, captured 17 Germans, received the
Bronze Star. He was ski trooper Army. My brother was killed in South
Viet-Nam July '68... Missing In Action 34 years, Purple Heart, Bronze
Star. I received Bronze Star, Purple Heart, wrote up for a few medals.
Love the USMC.
Three days after graduation USMC,1966 Viet-Nam Nov. '66 to Dec. '67
0311 and rocket squad leader. Operations included UNION and UNION
Cried when I left Viet-Nam. My men came 1st, I did
not want to leave them behind.
could write a book on my life. Married 2 times... divorced. Was in
motorcyle gang... work in shipyards, machine shops, restaurants, college
5 years... was going to be preacher... now I am master Plumber and
telling people how I came to know a man named Jesus. I love helping
others, and one thing's for sure, Once a Marine, always a Marine.
Semper Fi, Gordy

(picture courtesy of
Roger "Nick" Nicholson)