Tenety, India 3/5

13, 1969
were attached to 1/7 that day. But it was 1st Plt I 3/5 that
was ambushed. And 1/7's CO was with us when he was killed.
We were in the heaviest of the fighting that day, 5 men were
KIA and 33 were wounded including myself and Dennis Tenety.
battle lasted 7 hours. It took 4 hours before the wounded
could get medical attention and be medivaced out. One man,
Cpl. James Caster died because of the long wait. Dennis and
myself are very lucky to have survived, given the nature of
our wounds. It was a very bad day. Semper Fidelis,~Sgt.
Jimmie L. Christy, I /3/5
Jim "Spanky"
Norris Memorial

Dennis Tenety and Jimmie Christy together again after
32 years!
3/5 Reunion 2001 in La Grange, GA

3/5 Reunion May 2001
Jimmie Christy (I/3/5), Dennis Tenety (I/3/5), Cathy Christie,
Curtis Eidson (I/3/5)

Reunion May 2001
Dennis Tenety (I/3/5), Joe Anchondo (H&S and K/3/5), Bob
"Slick" Mowery (I/3/5)

and an "Old Friend" at the 3/5 Reunion May 2001

and his Iron Lady
Wall at Night
Taken by Dennis Tenety at 0200 hrs
(Click to enlarge)
India 3/5 Website

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