Tylinski "Ski" near Chu Lai Air Base, 1966
"Ski" Tylinski, Mike 3/5 My tour started
on 6 Oct. '66, and ended 1 Nov. '67. A lot of things I've forgotten,
but there are things that I'll remember forever. Was on most of
the operations during that time, DESOTO, UNION I and II, and
SWIFT were the ones I remember the most.
wounded 26 May '67, first day of UNION II in the late afternoon. If
I remember correctly, Doc Conklin (KIA) was with our platoon. Our
platoon CP was taken out by a mortar round or something. I do remember
seeing the blast, I wasn't very far away. About seven guys were
taken out, including our Lt. I think his name was Lt. Johnson, (a
mustanger). I remember seeing him in the hospital later, but not
after that. I was wounded later that day. Semper
Fi, Ski

Ski, Hill 69 Chu Lai

Ski, near end of tour
Roger Gaughan, Bob S.
Gaughan was wounded 1 May '67 during Operation UNION, then killed
when the chopper he was on crashed into the sea. His name stands
proud on the Mike 3/5
Wall of Honor.
Ski, near Chu Lai Air Base
2.Patrol near Hill 35, Regt.
3.Ski, outpost near Hill 35, Chu Lai
l-r-Golden, Gaughan, Madera
2. l-r-Golden, Gaughan, Ski, Budd
3. l-r-Kevorkian, Jack, Ski, Pete Dye
4. l-r-Madera, Sgt. Cotton

outpost near Hill 35

Hill 69, Chu Lai
2. EM Club Hill 69, Chu Lai
3. Map of area-south

Doc Herndon, Hill 69 Chu Lai
2. Smitty, ville near Hill 69
3. Karunka, Hill 69
4. Unknown

Ski and Kim, village near Hill 69
2. Kim
3. Ski and Mylee, village near Hill 69
4. Mylee

Jackson and Ski, village near Hill 69
2. Ski and Jackson's sister
3. Kids in ville near Hill 69
4. Unknown ville near Hill 69

Two PFs, Hill 76
2. Singleton and PF near Hill 76, 1967
Operation DESOTO
Operation UNION and UNION
1 May 1967 Memorial page
Doc Conklin Memorial page
Operation COCHISE
Operation SWIFT
Mike 3/5 Website

by Redeye)