1. Terry Workman
and Don Mashaney
2. Michael Lucibello
3. 3/5 M Mortars
4. Lt. Richard, Workman, Mashaney, Pitts
5. Workman and Lucibello

1. Taylor, ?,
Lucy, Mashaney
2. Sgt. Reed, ?, Workman
3. Workman receiving 1st Purple Heart from Brig. Gen. Olson
4. Weapons Plt. 3/5 "68"
5. 3/5 Mortars
2. Can't remember the names of these Marines
(If anyone recognizes them, please let us know)
3. Getting ready for the move to Phu Bai
4. Xmas '67, RVN 3/5 M
5. 6. 2nd Lt. Richard, 1st Plt. CO

1. Gunny ?
3. Indian Country, Danang area
4. Tower, 3/5 Battalion Rear Area, 1967
3/5 website

by Redeye)