Picture Gallery 2004
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(click images to enlarge)
(Sent in by "Doc" Dave Magnenat, picture courtesy of "Doc" Vic Perez, 4 Dec. 2004)
Can anyone ID any of these people for "Doc" Vic Perez? I believe they are all C/Ms who were pulled back to the BAS for medical evals and testing. I think I and Vic Perez are in the section to the right that has been cut off. SEMPER FI, Dave Magnenat
3rd Bn. 5th Marines FMF Corpsmen, 1967Well, here goes, if you take the first row kneeling L-R I think it's: #3 is Douglas Hare, #4 is Larry Hebert, #5 is Chief Webb (can't remember his first name), #7 is Franklin Fernandez and #8 is Bill Herndon. On the 2nd row #1 is Glen Arp, #2 is Glenn Glasgow, #5 is Ron Coldren, #6 Larry White (LCpl and BAS ambulance driver), #7 is Michael Ing and I think #9 is Dr. Joe Buchinanni. And standing tall in the back wearing the glasses is Dixon; I don't know who the guy standing beside him is......If any of you guys come up with the others please let me know. And does anyone know what the area is that this was made in ?? I can remember names and faces for the most part but I got CRS real bad when it comes to geography. Good thing some of those Marines we were with could read maps ...... Glenn Glasgow
Update, 24 Mar. '05: The picture with all the corpsmen, the guy in the third row standing on the left side I believe is Doc Jack Covin. I've got a couple pics of him also. Semper Fi, Gil Currie
(Sent in by Mike Alden, pictures courtesy of "Doc" Bob Aloisio, 16 Nov. 2004)
1. "Doc" Bob Aloisio, M Co. 3/5 1st plt. corpsman. Picture taken on LZ Vine, during Operation TAYLOR COMMON
2. L to R: Marine (name?), Marine in background (name?), "Doc" Storgen, Senior Corpsman M Co. 3/5 (name?). 1st LT. R. A. or R.P. Hudson was CO at this time
3. L to R: Marine (name?), "Doc" Aloisio, "Doc" Kulka (2nd plt. corpsman), taken on LZ Vine
4. L to R: "Doc" Kulka, "Doc" Aloisio, "Doc" Storgen. Picture possibly taken on LZ Vine
(If anyone remembers the unidentified Marines, please let us know)(Sent in by Steve Cottrell, 1 Nov. 2004)
Steve Cottrell (former M/3/5 radioman) getting down with the Kingston Trio, Aug. 2004
This was part of a Fantasy Camp...spending three days with these guys and another twenty rabid Kingston Trio fans....singing, laughing, and just feeling good being around these two. The Kingston Trio was Bob Shane, John Stewart, and Nick Reynolds. Nick is one of the nicest, friendliest, kindest people you could ever meet. He's 71 and the ladies fall all over him because he is so adorable. Being around John is also a kick...he's my all-time favorite songwriter. Bob was also there and sang Scotch and Soda solo (as he always has) on Friday and Saturday nights. On Saturday, for the first time in almost forty years, he, John, and Nick sang together...they did Early Morning Rain and brought the house down.~Steve Cottrell
(Sent in by Jim Blankenheim, 29 Aug. 2004)
Hill 1192, Haivan Pass, May 1968
I finally got together with Dave Burnham. After 36 years the FAC team from Hill 1192 were finally reunited on August 24, 2004. What a day! Dave was my senior Forward Air Controller in our two-man team and my mentor. I used to call him Bwanna and he taught me all about air strikes and medevacs. I have been looking for this dude for 35 years under the wrong name. Go figure. It was so great to see him again and I hope he can make it for the reunion to see all the rest of the guys. After 1192, Dave went to Kilo company to help out there. Welcome home BROTHER!~Jim
Left picture: Dave Burnham and Jim Blankenheim
Right picture: Debbie and Dave Burnham and Jim and Phyllis Blankenheim(Sent in by Gary Wieczorek, 25 Aug. 2004)
Gary Wieczorek, "Zorba", 2nd plt. Mike 3/5 67-68(Sent in by Michael Alden and Tom Wiseman, 20 Aug. 2004)
Michael Alden (left) and Tom Wiseman, 1969, and together again after 35 yrs!Michael Alden and Tom Wiseman served together with M/3/5 on Operation TAYLOR COMMON, just had a mini reunion in Iowa.
Left pic: Tom Wiseman, far right, Sgt. from 3rd plt. M/3/5, and unknown from 3rd plt.
Center pic: 3rd plt. M/3/5, left, unidentified, center, Gary Heeman, and Tom Wiseman, far right
(Note: Gary Heeman was killed Jan. 15, 1969, see Gary Heeman Memorial page)
Right pic: L/Cpl. Westphal (left) and Tom Wiseman
(If anyone recognizes the unidentified Marines, please let us know)
News article about 5th Marines on Operation TAYLOR COMMON, 1969
(courtesy of Tom Wiseman)
News article about Leathernecks of M Co. 3/5, 1969
(courtesy of Tom Wiseman)(Sent in by Col. Bill Rockey, 15 Aug. 2004)
Sergeant Major Myers, Col. Bill Rockey, Sergeant Major Jerry HansenI attended the 1st Marine Division reunion here in DC last night. Although I was seated with my Korean unit (2nd Bn, 1st Marines), I did manage to find our Sergeant Major Gerald (Jerry) Hansen and Sergeant Major Myers (was First Sergeant of - I think - Company K during our days in RVN.) It was a fine evening with our Commandant giving a great, inspirational talk. The Quantico band performed, and of course when the Marines' Hymn is played, the hair stands up on the back of my neck.
(Sent in by "Doc" Everett Wood, 31 July 2004)
Bridge Dedicated to "Doc" Mariskanish, 29 July 2004
FMF Corpsman, 3rd Bn. 5th Marines, KIA 9 May 1968
(more pics on "Doc" Charles Mariskanish Memorial page)A bridge a mile from the home in which Doc Marishkanish was raised, was dedicated to his memory July 29, along Route 553 in Alverda, Pennsylvania (Indiana County). M Co. 3/5 Marines came from all over the country (and from Canada) to pay their respects and meet "Doc" Mariskanish's family including Terry Otell, former captain, Frank Pacello, "Doc" Everett Wood (close friend), Joe Smith, Rock Giambrocco, Art Diabo and Tom Carr.
Letter from "Doc" Mariskanish's sister, Cathy
I know I will never be able to put into words how beautiful yesterday, July 29, 2004, was for us. The sun shined from the minute the ceremony began until we hugged and kissed the very last Marine from 3/5 Mike Co. ... MY Marines, as they will forever be known to me... goodbye. I sincerely did not want any of them to leave.
Doc Wood, Frank Pacello, and Rocco Giambrocco spoke volumes to everyone at the ceremony. Their words comforted my family in a way that had not been possible for 36 years. They, along with the other Marines who took the time to be with us for this very special occasion ... Joe Smith, Art Diabo, Terry Otell, and Tom Carr... will forever be loved and greatly appreciated by my family and me. They represented the true devoted nature of the Marines so wonderfully!
Deb, without your wonderful website, none of this would have been possible. Had it not been for Charlie's memorial page and the collection of stories from the Marines, Scott Keirn - classmate of Charlie's - wouldn't have known anything nor would have been moved enough to make sure that the battle on Hill 1192 wouldn't be forgotten. He organized this dedication not only for Charlie, but for all of the members of 3/5. Sincerely, Cathy(Sent in by Vernon Ford, 27 July 2004)
Vernon Ford (left) and Friend
Summer of 1966 at the DaNang Hospital
(if anyone recognizes the unidentified Marine, please let us know)We were very good friends. I must have been close to him because the Capt. of my company (Mike 3/5) let me stop in and check on him in the DANANG HOSPITAL. His name will not come to me, I sure wish I could find him.
(Sent in by David Zellers, 27 July 2004)
Donald Kretsinger, M/3/5, KIA 8Nov. '67 on Operation ESSEX
(Picture courtesy of Donald's nephew, David. See also Donald Kretsinger Memorial page)(Sent in by Thomas Hoying, 23 July 2004)
Richard Giebe (left) and Tom Hoying
Richard was KIA 9 Nov. '67 on Operation ESSEX
(See also Richard Giebe Memorial page)
Mike 3/5 late '67 (Rockets)
If anyone knows the names of the Marines pictured, please let us know(Sent in by Bev Bouchard, 20 July 2004)
Denny LaNore's Celebration of Life, 10 July 2004
(More pictures will be posted on Denny's Memorial page soonly)Front: Corbitt Griffith, Stu Hurrin, and Bill Vandegriff
Back: Greg York, Ron Czupek, Jim Romball, Dennis Rudnicki, JD Murray, Roy Youngblood, Mom LaNore, Herschel Burgess, Carl Matlock, Vernon Ford, John Bowers
Denny LaNore's flag is on the Flagpole in front of them(Sent in by Michael Alden, 19 July 2004)
Ronald Christensen, M Co. 3/5, KIA 3 Mar. 1969LCpl. Ron Christianson was my best friend ever! I miss him today! He was point man in our recon patrol of 7 Marines, when Ron and David Johnston were KIA in the initial ambush 3 March '69. Semper Fi, Mike Alden. (See also LCpl. Ronald Christianson Memorial page and Cpl. David Johnston Memorial page)
M/3/5 1st plt. Rockets team members, early 1969
LCpl. Alden, Dewight Boren (?), Pierre Frago (Flower Child), Ford(Sent in by Jake Bortscheller, 10 July 2004)
3/5 Reunion 2004
Joe and Pat Dodson, Barbara and Vernon Ford, Debbe and Brad Reynolds
It was another awesome Reunion! See more pics on Brenda Eidson's 3/5 Reunion site(Sent in by Dick Wilson via Michael "Turk" Wears, 7 July2004)
1st Platoon, M Co. 3/5 late '67
The first pic is of I think 1st. Sqd. First row is Spanky Riegel, Dick Wilson, and a guy I think named Robbie?? The second row is Chief (all I ever knew him by), Unknown in the back ground, another Unknown, and Randy Thormeyer. I think this last fellow may be Klopmeyer. I know all the faces. But no names.
The second pic is Me (Turk) on the left, Thorny in the middle, and someone I can't remember his name. But I know that Face. Third pic is Unknown. Fourth pic is of Jeff Goss (I think) and 2 of the Spanish speaking people Mitchell was trying to get as radio operators. Like the Marines did in WW2 so the gooks couldn't copy our radio transmissions. (If anyone recognizes the Unknowns, please let us know).
(Sent in by Michael "Turk" Wears, 23 April 2004)
Cpl. Vernon "Randy" Randolph (M/3/5 KIA 7 Feb. 68) and fellow Marines
(Sent in by Mitzi Boydell, 29 March 2004)
(enlarged picture is 128k)
"Doc" Joe Boydell receives Bronze Star 6 March 2004, 34 yrs. after Vietnam(Sent in by Dee Godkin, 17 Mar. 2004)
India Co. 3/5 Marines with Matt Kolakowski, son of Capt. Henry Kolakowski ("Ski")
Capt. Ski was KIA 15 June 1968, see also Capt. Henry Kolakowski Memorial pageAt last year's 3/5 Reunion, Jerry Bain had called all the India Co., guys together in a corner and introduced Matt (Capt. Ski's son) and his cousin (I forgot his name) and told him that if he really wanted to know what kind of guy his dad was, these were the guys to ask. Jimmy Moss stepped forward and told Matt that he had kept his father's Capt. bars all these years, and he wanted to give them to him, thus the box in Matt's hands in the one picture. It was a very touching moment and lots of tears were shed by everyone. Matt's cousin (I'm assuming Ski's sister's son) had brought all Ski's medals, and a scrapbook of his military career. The guys enjoyed looking at them, and he had also brought funeral programs for each of them.
(Sent in by Beth Lomax, 21, Feb. 2004)
Jim Blankenheim receives Navy Commendation Medal 13 Feb. 2004, 36 yrs. later
Former M Co. 3/5 CO Frank Pacello awarded Jim Blankenheim the Navy Commendation Medal he had written up for Jim's actions as FAC on Hill 1192, May 1968 when M/3/5 ran into an NVA Base Camp. Jerry Lomax, Rock Giambrocco, Curtis Batten and "Doc" Everett Wood are fellow survivors of that week of nonstop fighting, and traveled to Wisconsin 13 Feb. to be on hand when Skipper Pacello awarded Jim's citation. (See also NVA Base Camp, HOUSTON II)
(Sent in by Troy and Suzanne Odom, M/3/5, 21 Feb. 2004)
Troy and Susanne Odom send a big "Aloha" from HawaiiWent on a Dinner Cruise and Dancing. Rocky Harrell and wife Shelia partnered up with us for the week. We covered every inch of the island in our rented ,'04 Red Mustang Convertible...picture on the right is USMC Camp Tarawa in Parker Ranch. One of their claims to fame is that this was the first ‘Cowboy Ranch’ in the United States. I am assuming that they are referring to Cowboy operated cattle ranch.
(31 Jan. 2004, Sent in by Betty Lipton DiGiacomo)
My brother, Joseph Lipton (Lance Corporal) U.S.M.C.
Joseph Lipton was killed 1 May '67 in a chopper crash that included 3 wounded M Co. 3/5 Marines
(Memorial page)My brother was in a Canine Corps that was out of San Francisco, Calif. He was a wonderful guy. At the time of his death, he was engaged to wonderful girl named Joan. Joseph joined the Marines at 17. He had become ill after 2 weeks in VietNam, and he was hospitalized. I heard he was being evacuated. We were then told he was missing for about 2 weeks, and then they told us they found him. He was loved by many friends and family. We were never informed of what actually happened.~Betty Lipton DiGiacomo
(26 Jan. 2004, Sent in by RJ Del Vecchio, 1stMarDiv Combat Photographer '68)
Early September '68, 5th Marines
(Pictures taken by RJ Del Vecchio, copyrighted)In early September '68 I was working with some elements of the 5th Marines on an operation that shoved off from An Hoa, crossing the river on little boats. Later on there was a firefight with NVA in a treeline, and I got both still photos and some movie footage of the action.
Official US Nat'l Archives photoOne of the photos from that firefight is one the USMC made an official historical photo, it's in the National Archives and has appeared in several history and photo books of the war. The A-gunner's face is clear, maybe if you put this on your site and ask people to check it, someone will recognize the guy and we can pin down what unit that was. The other two are one from the start of the op, when we all got on the boats to leave An Hoa, and after the firefight, when an S-2 was checking one of the NVA bodies-maybe somebody is recognizable in those.~Del
(24 Jan.2004, Sent in by Mitzi Boydell)
FMF Corpsman Joe Boydell, M/3/5Found this website re the Repose, Joe's first tour was on her...and a pic from that site caught my eye...it was finally confirmed tonite that the webmaster of this site took this pic around Sept/Nov 1969 and is, as I suspected, a pic of Joe. The guy in the right rear...The second pic is Joe between tours in Jan. 1970...so you'll have something to compare. Can you believe it?! So way cool...Mitz
(10 Dec. 2003, Pictures courtesy of Joe Bowers and Ed "Don" Mashaney)
M/3/5 Weapons plt. late '67
1. Bob Montgomery, Terry Workman, Michael Lucibello
2. Lucibello, McPeak, Workman, Mashaney
3. Mashaney (left) and Workman
(Thanks to Hans Haupt (H&S 3/5), we have just "found" Terry Workman...thank you, Hans!)*******************************
(Sent in by Curtis Eidson, 1 Dec. 2003)
These pictures of 1st plt. India 3/5 were taken late 67-68 Hill 55 area. The first two pics are Robert Peterson (left) with unidentified corpsmen...If anyone remembers the names of these Docs and the Marines in the rest of the pics, please email us.
(Sent in by Paul Merryman, 30 Nov. 2003)
LCpl. Dennis Merryman and M/3/5 Marines, 1969LCpl. Dennis Merryman sent these pics of M/3/5 Marines home before he was Killed In Action 5 March '69. If anyone recognizes these Marines, please email us. Pictures courtesy of Dennis' brother, Paul, M/3/9. (See also LCpl. Dennis Merryman Memorial page).
Picture #2 names remembered by Michael Alden: The Marine with the shades on, may be a M-60 gunner from 1st.plt. If not, 1st or 2nd squad of 2nd platoon. "M"3/5 . I seen him at times, only to remember him as "MELLOW YELLOW," Torres from New York. He always gave me "fun" crap about his "60" being cleaner than mine. The black guy we called "Smitty."
Picture #3 names remembered by Michael Alden: Dennis Merryman, Richard Reed, Luther Maxwell and Ryan (that's all I know him by is Ryan).
(Sent in by Dennis Kempel, 29 Nov. 2003)
Michael Kempel Silver Star Award Weekend
Saturday, October 25, 2003 through Sunday, October 26, 2003M/3/5 Marines Tom Wityak, Tom Uebel, Randy Pelt, Troy Odom, Tom Lindsay, Jerry Farrell and "Doc" Joe Boydell (and families) joined the Kempel Family for a weekend celebration of "Doc" Michael Kempel's posthumous Silver Star award (more pics to be posted soonly on Michael Kempel's Memorial page).
(Sent in by Gil Currie, 24 Nov. 2003)
India 3/5 Marines Ted Duckworth, Ron Carson, Gil Currie together again!Lunch in Seattle with Ron Carson. We had a great time. Ron has a bunch of pictures from Jan. 1968 to 1969. My son is cleaning them up, will have them soon. The pictures have some guys I recognize like George Colletti, Craig T... we talked over a lot of stuff, he was with Capt. Ski when he was killed.
1st plt. India 3/5 67-68
(pictures courtesy of Ron Carson, if anyone remembers the missing names, please email us)1. I think this is Doc Goss. That is what I have on a picture I made in 68. (Curtis Eidson)
2. The guy with his back turned is Slick Mowery. The guy scratching his head is Larry Vaught The one with a shirt on is Jeff Ludburg. The one on the right is Gary Callahan. I am on the far court on the left. Bolton is in the back looking down. Chuck Strong is the one with his hands on his hips, I don't know the other guy. (Curtis Eidson)
3. ?
4. Ron Carson
5. ?1.Jake Bortscheller in the center of picture holding "Daisey Bell," his M-60
2. ?
3. George Colletti
4. Robert Peterson (KIA 30 Jan. 68) with his back turned****************************
(Sent in by Vernon Ford and Rick Golbeck, 19 Nov. 2003)
(Sent in by Debbe Reynolds, 15 Nov. 2003)
LIFE Magazine Jan. 21, 1972 article with picture of "Doc" Chris Pyle, M/3/5 KIA 28 May '69 (#12 down on left side...see also HM2 Chris Pyle Memorial page)
(Sent in by Frank Pacello, M/3/5, 10 Nov. 2003)
My children surprised me with this figurine by Patrick Kirk for Fathers Day a couple of years ago because they know how proud I was to have served with M/3/5 in Nam. The detail is amazing. The figurine even has a gunshot wound with blood running down the right arm which is where I got hit in '68. As far as I am concerned, it represents the story of every GRUNT who did time in Nam. I was very proud to have received it from my kids and it makes me feel good to know they love and respect me and our Corps as much as I do.In the latter weeks of 1968, North Vietnamese Army units, aided by insurgent elements of local Viet Cong, gave the Hanoi generals confidence of a great military and psychological victory for their cause. They had left out only one element in their well-laid plans: the devotion to duty of their foe. The Marine Infantryman, with rifle in hand, and a knot in the pit of his stomach, denied the Communist victory in a battle of historic proportion. The United States Marines had raised our national flag in victory once again. For a young Marine experiencing the first horrors of war, it must have been a feeling previously unimagined to see it go up. As history now tells it, all the Marine Infantrymen had been chosen by fate or chance to uphold a grand tradition of the U.S. Marine Corps, "Death before Dishonor."
This piece, "Mike" 3/5," depicts the passion of Marine Company Commander glancing at the inbound air support while on the outskirts of a Vietnamese village. His courage and conviction continues to this day as the foundation for the strength of his Marines.
(For over three years, Patrick Kirk has been one of the best in his field, creating custom hand made military figurines for museums, shows and for the enjoyment of many. The last few years, Patrick Kirk has been creating figures capturing a moment in time and depicting the passion of warfare. His distinct quality and attention to detail woven with meticulously displaying sacrifice and honor is the essence to which those who admire and own Patrick Kirk's work are drawn. This is a unique one-of-a-kind figurine).
(Sent in by Jim Hart, M/3/4, 19 Oct. 2003)
John McGinty, Medal of Honor Recipient for Operation HASTINGS (left), Jim "Sarge" Hart
Together again after 37 years at 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines Reunion 2003I was one of the machine gunners that made it back to McGinty's unit in the part of the battle when John got awarded the Medal of Honor. HASTINGS-it was 3 days and 3 nights of real hell!~Jim Hart
This picture was taken somewhere around the end of Dec. '67 or 1st part of January '68 when India Co. 3/5 was South of Da Nang where the 27th Marines relieved us, I think. Here are the names we have to date, maybe we will be able to identify the rest of the guys on down the road.~Gil1st Row Left to Right: 1st two guys are Unknowns, 3rd is S/Sgt. William G. Rash transfered to Recon (KIA in Jan. '68), 4th is Cpl. Ric Lee, 5th is L/Cpl. Gil Currie, last guy front row is Cpl. Larry Gorman.
2nd Row Left to Right: 1st guy is L/Cpl Howard Kiser, the next three are Unknowns, then the 5th guy is Pfc. Mike Chiarado (sp), and last but not least is Lt. Ted Duckworth.
3rd Row Left to Right: 1st guy is Gary Painter (KIA Feb. 68), 2nd guy is Corpsman Jack Covin, 3rd guy is Paul Sinko, and the last guy is Unknown. (Note: If anyone remembers the names of the unidentified Marines, please email us).****************************
(Sent in by Steve Howsmon, M/3/5, 14 Oct. 2003)Starting from the left is: Bobby Williams, Brad Reynolds, unknown Marine with elbow bandage. Next unknown, Townsend, Victor Sosa, unknown. Notes on back of picture read: "Here are all my buddies. Everyone here has 3 hearts except one guy. See Sosa (second from the right). We just got done tearing down our tents, so we could move them elsewhere."~Steve Howsmon (Note: If anyone remembers the names of the unidentified Marines, please email us).
(Sent in by Dan Hignight, M/3/5, via Curtis Batten, 6 Oct. 2003)
Dan Hignight with M Co. 3/5, 1968
GySgt. Hignight and other DIs honored**************************
(Sent in by Fernando Rodriguez, M/3/5, 1 Oct. 2003)
Remembering Paul Latender, M/3/5, Passed away 12/02/1992, Age 43
(See also Paul Latender Memorial page)**************************
(Sent in by Jack Swan, M/3/5, Sept. 2003)
3/5 Reunion 2003 pics
Left: Dennis Tenety, Jack Swan , Debbe and Brad Reynolds, Chunky Stonebreaker, Slick Mowery
Right: Slick Mowery, Jack Swan, Chunky Stonebreaker, Terry Welcher**********************************
(Sent in by Michael Wears, M/3/5, Sept. 2003)
L/Cpl. Michael (Terrible Turk) Wears
Radio operator, company radio operator, and 2nd plt. Squad Leader, Oct.' 67 to May '68*****************************
(Pictures courtesy of JD Murray, Doc Wood and Randy Pelt)
Former M Co. 3/5 Skippers then (67-70) and now, May 2003
JR McElroy, Frank Pacello, Randy Pelt, JD Murray****************************
(Sent in by Frank Pacello, M/3/5, Sept. 2003)
Left :Frank Pacello with son, LtCol. Scott Pacello (DESERT STORM/Apache Pilot), and Pres. Bush
Right: Dan Hignight (M/3/5), Gen. Ray Davis, Frank Pacello
(Gen. Ray Davis passed away 3 Sept. 2003, Semper Fi, Brother Marine, we will never forget) Gen. Ray Davis Memorial page*******************************
(Pictures courtesy of JD Murray and Roger Daoust, M/3/5)
DoD photos and captions
1. Cpl. Catarino Marques uses a pottery jar for a bathtub during Operation ADAIR (K 3/5)
2. Marques gets a bath from a Vietnamese farmer
3. Pfc. Jesse Prado of India 3/5 shaves
4. A Marine from Lima 3/5 gives haircuts during Operation TAYLOR COMMON, 1968.
(More DoD photos)********************
It was better than terrific! I went through Basic, ITR, and Gun School with Hyler, and Mulcrevy and Krueger are from the Bay Area! ~Joe Holt
(Sent in by JD Murray, M/3/5, July 2003)
Chesty Puller, CO of 3/5 (briefly)A very distinguished guest of ours at the 2002 Reunion (Gen. Ray Davis) stated that although the 5th Marine Regiment was the most decorated regiment in the Marine Corps, neither he nor Chesty Puller were members of the regiment. Recently I was reading Ron Brown's A FEW GOOD MEN, THE FIGHTING FIFTH MARINES and found on page 138 that during the Cape Gloucester Campaign to clear Rabaul, the CO and XO of 3rd Bn 5thMars were wounded on the same day, and LtCol. Chesty Puller, CO of 3rd Bn 7th Mars took command of 3rd Bn 5th Marines as well during the fight. Although Chesty was CO of 3/5 for only a day, he probably picked up some valuable leadership hints from the Battalion. The following day Lew Walt took command of 3rd Bn 5th Marines for the attack on the mysterous Aogiri Ridge, a land feature not found on our maps but identified as a key defensive position of the Japanese on the island. After tenacious fighting, 3rd Bn 5th Mars took the Aogiri Ridge, thereafter renamed WALT'S RIDGE, to honor the 3rd Bn 5th Mar commander. General Shephard, the Division Commander, said that this was the critical battle of the Cape Gloucester campaign because Aogiri Ridge controlled the primary supply route through which all Japanese supplies and reinforcements flowed. (Chesty Puller won his fourth Navy Cross at Cape Gloucester in January 1944). ( This information is verified in HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS OPERATIONS IN WW11, ISOLATION OF RABAUL, PG. 382. SF, JD).
(Sent in by Joe Bowers, M/3/5, July 2003)
M Co. 3/5 '67-68
1. Elliott Rubenfeld 3rd from left, can't remember the other names
2. Ken Fields and Joe Bowers
3. Brad Reynolds
4. M Co. 3/5 Heading Out
5. Close call..Does anyone remember this M/3/5 Marine?**********************
(Sent in by Richard Moya, M/3/5)
NOTE: Ricardo E. Moya was with 3/5 in 67-68. We have a Vietnam Memorial here in San Angelo, Texas, and I am one of the guys who gets memorial pavers made and installed at the memorial. Ricardo Moya will have a paver with his name, unit, etc at the memorial. This paver is a gift from his wife. Ricardo lives here in town and I will be immediately getting with him and his wife to advise them about your great site, the photos, stories, etc. I hope he'll put a bio on the site. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see some familiar names of his Marine brothers. I'll keep you informed...Tom Davis, Vietnam '65-'66, US Army, Vietnam '67-'68, US Air Force
(Submitted by Richard Moya, M/3/5, Feb. 11, 2003)
Operation UNION May '67 newsclipping
(See also Operation UNION)****************************
(Sent in by Dan Praytor, M/3/5, June 2003)
(Sent in by Dan Praytor, M/3/5, June 2003)
(Pictures courtesy of Doc Lerp, July 2003)(Sent in by "Doc" Dave Magnenat, 3/5 FMF Corpsman, June 2003)
3/5 Corpsmen together again after 35 yrs!
Left: "Doc" Magnenat (left) and "Doc" Glenn Glasgow, Lima 35, 1967
Right: "Doc" Glenn Glasgow and "Doc" Dave Magnenat, 3/5 Reunion 2004*************************
(Sent in by Gordy Seablom, M/3/5, June 2003)
(Sent in by Ric Lee, June 2003)
3/5 Marines Nolan Nunnery "The Nun" (left in both pics) and
Ric Lee together after 35 yrs! (more
pics on 3/5 Reunion
2003 picture page and Ric
Lee's picture page)
(Sent in by Roger "Nick" Nicholson, May 2003)
M/3/5 Marines, June 1967
1. Bill Vandegriff (back left), ?, Jack Swan, ?
(If anyone recognizes the others please let us know)
2. Fasion, M/3/5
3. Frank McPeak, M/3/5**************************
(Sent in by Terry Welcher, I/3/5, 17 Mar. 2003)
Beer Call
All that was left of India 3/5 after Operation SWIFT 4-15 Sept. '67.
(See also Operation SWIFT)************************
(Sent in by Bob "Slick" Mowery, I/3/5)
(Sent in by JD Murray, M/3/5, Feb. 2003)
This article from Frank Jurney is on your action the afternoon and evening of the 10th of Sept 1967, when M Co and two platoons were called to assist H 2/5 in a ----sandwich about 1500 meters away. I can still remember us moving across those open rice paddies and meeting up with H 2/5 just on the outskirts of that ville that the NVA held. I do remember they had a bunch of Marines they could not get to that day. This article lets me know what you did to help them retrieve those Marines. Never had the opportunity to tell you what a great job you did, not only here, but throughout your tour with M Co. and your gallant efforts on the 4th. Your support from just outside the knoll on the fourth saved lots of lives and your ability to join us later must have been noteworthy. JD (See also Operation SWIFT)
(Sent in by Randy Pelt, M/3/5)
1. The Arizona, '69
2. and 3. Charlie Ridge, June '70
4. Liberty Bridge, '69******************************
(Sent in by Tom McCracken, I/3/5, June 2003)![]()
1. MIKE CO 3/5 sign, Hill 37, '69 (Sent in by Randy Pelt, M/3/5)
2. Chris Belmont and MIKE CO 3/5 sign, '68-69 (Sent in by Chris Belmont, M/3/5)
3. M Co. 3/5 Marines '69 (Sent in by Ed Browder, M/3/5)
Kneeling (L to R) Capt. Burns, Lt. Ted Lewis
Standing (L to R) Lt. Ed Browder, Lt. Jim Treadwell
4. MAGNIFICENT MIKE CO. 3/5 Sign (Sent in by Tom Lindsay, M/3/5, April 2003)
Tom Sutton (left) and Tom Lindsay, taken on LZ Ross in late 1970.(Sent in by Tom Lindsay, M/3/5, Dec. 2002, more pics on Tom Lindsay's picture page)
Closing An Hoa Combat Base, RVN
20 Sept. 1970(Sent in by Jim Blankenheim, M/3/5, Feb. 2003)
Map of Hill 1192
Map and photo of Haivan Pass and Hill 1192 where M Co. 3/5 ran into an NVA Base Camp 8-13 May '68. (See also Operation HOUSTON II, NVA Base Camp).**********************
(Sent in by "Doc" Everett Wood, more pics on Doc Wood's picture page)
M/3/5 Marines
who served together on "Hill 1192", May '68 together at 3/5
Reunion 2003
Left: (Front) Jim Blankenheim, "Doc" Everett Wood, Jerry Lomax
(Back): Frank Pacello, Art Diabo, Curtis Batten, Rock Giambrocco, Dan
Hignight, Brad Reynolds
Right: (Front) Jim Blankenheim, "Doc" Everett Wood
(Back): Brad Reynolds, Rock Giambrocco, "Skipper" Frank Pacello,
Jerry Lomax, Curtis Batten, Art Diabo
(Sent in by WW II Dave Engler, see also Dave Engler's picture page)
My brother Winfield ("Windy"), also a Marine who served during W.W. II and was recalled for Korea, had been in the hospice unit of the V.A. Hospital at Lebanon, PA for about 6 weeks. He finally passed away yesterday and is now free of the pain and suffering that he endured for so long. He is the one at the bottom left of the family montage. He would have become 78 years of age next September. After his time in the Marines he worked as a laborer, a painter and a brick layer before returning to get the High School Diploma he gave up when he first enlisted, and then went on to college and became a minister in the United Church of Christ, serving several congregations before retiring just a few years ago. He continued his USMC interests and was a member of a group of USMC motorcycle-driving veterans. He also served for many years as the chaplain of the PA Volunteer Fire Fighter's Organization, being one of their number - occasionally having to leave the pulpit on a Sunday morning during his sermon, in order to help in fighting a fire in his town.
(Sent in by Beth Lomax, Jan. 2002, more pics on Jerry Lomax's picture page)
Chuck Goebel, Chuck Cummings, Kevin and Merry Kelly, Steve and Nancy Cottrell, Frank Jurney, Brad and Debbe Reynolds, Jack Swan, Bill Vandegriff, Terry Otell, and JD and Beth Murray met up in Philadelphia to honor Michael Callahan, M Co. 3/5 radioman, KIA 9 Nov. '67 on Operation ESSEX, and to celebrate the USMC Birthday together. (See also Reunion in Philly)