Picture Gallery 2005
Information and messages submitted by our website visitors
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[PICTURE GALLERY 2013]***********************************
(click images to enlarge)
(Sent in by Frank Pacello, Nov. 1, 2005)
3/5 Reunion 2005, La Grange, Georgia
Left pic: Ruben Salazar (I/3/5), Debbe Reynolds, Frank Pacello (M/3/5), Brad Reynolds (M/3/5)
Right pic: Tom Wiseman (M/3/5), Mike Alden (M/3/5), Dan Hignnight (M/3/5)***********************************
(Sent in by Jim Cravey, 21 June 2005)
M Co. 3/5 at Chu Lai Airstrip Security, 10/66
1. Tent City, SW end of Chu Lai
2. Unidentified Marine (if anyone recognizes him, please let us know)
3. Greg York's jeep ("notice the un-sat appearance"...ha/ha Greg!)
4. Greg York's jeep
5. New "Hardbacks"
Jim Cravey, Mess Duty at Chu Lai Airstrip, 10/66
L/Cpl. Ron Conard, M Co. 3/5, Chu Lai Airstrip Security, 10/66
Hill 35, 5th Marine Regiment Security, 4/67
1. Jim Cravey
2.Pfc. John Wayne Love (KIA 13 May 1967 during Operation UNION, Memorial page)
3. Can't remember this Marine's name (if anyone recognizes him, please let us know)
4. Cravey, Love, Carter, Dennis Bunker
5. John Wayne Love (left), unidentified Marine (if anyone recognizes him, please let us know)
Left: Jim Cravey, US Naval Hospital, Yokosuka, 11/66
Right: Jim Cravey, US Naval Hospital, Yokosuka "healed", 12/66
"Headed back down south for Rd. 2"***********************************
(Sent in by Michael Alden, 20 June 2005)
1st squad, 1st plt. M Co. 3/5 Marines at 3/5 Reunion 2005, LaGrange, Georgia
Kneeling: L-R: Mike Zang, radio operator '68; Tom Wisman, '68-69; Mike Alden, '68-69
Standing: L-R, Brad Reynolds, '67-68; Richard Reed, '68; Ron Thayer, '68-69; Paul O'Connell, '68-69
1st squad, 1st plt. M Co. 3/5 Marines escorting the Parsons family to receive their shadow box
3/5 Reunion 2005, LaGrange, Georgia***********************************
(Sent in by Michael Alden, 10 June 2005)
Michael Alden and Tom Wiseman at The Wall in DC, Apr. 2005Michael Alden and Tom Wiseman traveled to DC to pay respects to M Co. 3/5 Marines KIA on Hill 332 during Operation TAYLOR COMMON in Mar. 1969...the names of the fallen are reflected in the picture they took. (See also Operation TAYLOR COMMON)
(Sent in by JimBob Bickle, Jr., 10 June 2005)
JimBob Bickle, Sr. (KIA May 21, 1968)I am looking for people who were with my Dad on the night he received his Navy Achievement Medal with V for Valor, either people who went with him or ones he went to rescue. He entered service Apr. 16, 1954, was KIA May 21, 1968. All help will be gratefully appreciated. Anyone who served with him in Vietnam may email me. Thank you, JimBob Bickle, Jr. Email: Marcella300@aol.com
(Sent in by Elliot "Recon" Rubenfeld, 3 May 2005)
1st Force Recon Paddle presented to Elliot "Recon" Rubenfeld, Summer 2004At last summer's 1st Force Recon Association Reunion Elliot "Recon" Rubenfeld was presented with the Force Recon Paddle he never received when he separated from Recon in 1968 due to being medevaced. The paddle also acknowledges his service from May-Nov. 1967 with Mike Co. 3/5.
(Sent in by Michael Alden, 21 Apr. 2005)
M Co. 3/5 Marines together again after 36 yrs!
Michael Alden (Gunner), Tom Mahlum (1st Plt. Co.), Tom Wiseman (A-Gunner for Mike Alden)
Camp Lejeune, NC, at the Marine Memorial of those killed in the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut
3 Apr. 2005***********************************
(Sent in by Frank Clark, 21 Apr. 2005)
Randy Sterns, M Co. 3/5, Killed In Action 9 May 1968 on Hill 1192I had a friend come down from Tuscaloosa, AL for a visit. He asked me to go out to Barrancas National Cemetary on NAS Pensacola with him. He wanted to visit the grave of a Marine. He said he did not know the Marine, but he used to know his mother. When we got to the cemetery, we went in the office and got the location of the grave and proceded to it. He can not realize the surprise I had when I looked down at the headstone attached to this email. I thought you might like to add it to his Memorial on your web site.~Frank Clark, M Co. 3/5 (See also Randy Sterns Memorial page)
(Sent in by Dennis Rudnicki via JD Murray, 31 Mar. 2005)
M Co. 3/5 Marines, 1966-67
(If anyone recognizes these undentified Marines, please let us know)***********************************
(Sent in by "Doc" Bob Aloisio, 20 Mar. 2005)
"Doc" Bob Aloisio (M/3/5) news article and citation for Operation Maui Peak, Oct. 1968***********************************
(Sent in by Tim Gulledge, Terry Cleveland Smith Marine Corps League Det., 17 Mar. 2005)
New MCL Detachment named for Terry Cleveland Smith, M Co. 3/5 KIA 29 Mar. 1968I'm the first Commandant of the newest detachment of the Marine Corps League in High Point, NC. Today I spoke with Melvin Oakes a Member of your unit in Nam (M Co. 3/5). We recently named our detachment after a fallen Marine from your unit and our home town, Pfc. Terry C. Smith. I have attached an article that a Korean Marine vet wrote years ago when Melvin kept a promise he made to his buddy in Nam. Please contact me if you'd like to hear about your group more.~Tim Gulledge (See also Pfc. Terry C. Smith, LCpl. Thomas C. Henry, and Pfc. Nathaniel Willingham Memorial page)
(Sent in by David Alluisi, 3 Mar. 2005)
Cpl. Leonard R. St. Clair
Hello, I have no affiliation to anyone listed on your site, or for that matter to anyone who fought in Vietnam. I am a 26 year-old comic book fan from Virginia who stumbled upon your site this evening and was struck with the urge to connect.
Where to begin so that this makes sense... ok, recently a group called Topics Entertainment has put out a CD-ROM collection of 500 Amazing Spider-man comics. Right, ok, so what does this have to do with your site, huh? Well, as you're probably aware, there were an awful lot of letters from men in the service in those old comics. I've seen them a million times before and am sad to say I never thought too much about them... until today.
I was reading the letters page of Spider-Man #50, and came across a letter sent in from one Cpl. Leonard R. St. Clair. St. Clair is my fiance's last name, so curiosity got the better of me this time... I did a google search, and came across the memorial page for Cpl. St. Clair on your website. Seeing so many pictures and thoughts about Cpl. St. Clair truly touched me, especially after noticing that his letter was printed in the July '67 issue of Spider-man; although the cover date is usually two or three months ahead of its actual date of publication, it's likely that the comic book hit the stands no earlier than March 1967, a scant few weeks, tragically, after Cpl. St. Clair was killed in combat. I had to wonder whether Cpl. St. Clair's friends and loved ones ever knew about this little piece of their departed friend, and so I thought I'd pass it along to you for your site in the wild hopes that it might provide some little extra shred of comfort to someone. Having lost loved ones myself before, I know that any reminder or remembrance can mean worlds, and I hope that I'm not overstepping any boundaries or causing offense by presenting you with this letter today. Peace to you and yours, and I'll let Cpl. St. Clair finish out this note for himself. With sincerest regards, David Alluisi, Waynesboro, VA
Dear Stan and John,
I thought I had left comic books somewhere in my past, but once again, I find myself reading them. It would surpise (shock!) many people back in the states to learn that so many service men read them. Especially the Marvel Comics Group which is sold in every P.X. I've been in over here. And it always makes us mad to miss an issue! We don't have much time for reading here in Viet Nam although we usually are able to squeeze in enough time to read your Marvels. Spider-Man is, by far, my favorite, although all of your super-heroes are really something. We sure could use them over here, but I guess we'll just have to rely on our own "talents". It may be a coincidence, but we think of ourselves as "junior super-heroes". If you get a chance, send one over here to give us a hand! But, to be serious for a second, thanks a lot for providing a lot of us with some good action-packed reading material. We really enjoy your series. They, like letters from home, help take our minds out of Viet Nam for a while.
Cpl. Leonard R. St. Clair, 2164081 USMC, "I" Co.
3rd Bn., 1st Mar. Div.
FPO, San Francisco, Cal. 96602STAN LEE'S RESPONSE
In that case, Len, even if they serve no other purpose, we'll still keep turning 'em out to the best of our agonizin' ability! Unfortunately, we can't actually send any of our costumed characters to the field of battle, but we can always do the next best thing -- so watch for the first ish of the complimentary subscription which we're winging your way, with our sincerest best wishes to you and your battle-honed buddies. May you all successfully and safely complete your tour of duty, and soon be able to latch onto your favorite mags merely by walking to the corner newsstand.
Follow-up to Cpl. St. Clair's letter
This letter appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #53. It's the last letter in the two-page spread, and begins with a note from the editor (Stan Lee): "NOTE: We recently received a letter which affected all of us very deeply. We are printing it, in its entirety, with no comment--save one--"
Dear Stan,
Since all of us in the headquarters section of India Company are Spider-Man fans, we regret to inform you that Corporal St. Clair, whose letter will be printed in SPIDER-MAN #50, was killed in action on 28 February, 1967. He was a squad leader in our 3rd Platoon when his patrol was ambushed southwest of Da Nang. Your comic SPIDER-MAN is the most sought after piece of literature and art work in this company. Keep up the good work; you're a real morale booster.
India Company 3/1 3rd Bn., 1st Mar.
1st Marine Div. (REIN) FMF, FPO
San Francisco, Cal. 96602"Comments from Stan Lee:
"God rest you, soldier. And God bless you all. As a mark of respect to Corporal St. Clair, and all others who have given the last measure of devotion for their country, we are omitting our usual "coming attractions" paragraph this issue. We prefer, instead, to express the fervent hope that the day will soon come when men in every land will walk together in peace -- and brotherhood."
(See also Cpl. Leonard St. Clair Memorial page)
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