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(Sent in by Christine Cooley, Dec. 17, 2007)
"Doc" John Colucco
1st Battalion, 5th Marines 1966My gift from Doc Gardner...my friend and fellow Bronx born...John Colucco
Fred Gardner emailed me today to tell me John Colucco passed away today, Dec. 17. I do not even know how to put it into words. When we met via email, he and I just clicked. And I was aware of all the cancer he had been fighting, but John did it with such determination that he beat it for so much longer than anyone else could have. His love for Teddi and his family was always clear. When our son Josh was hurt, he never forgot to call or email no matter how long it took to get back to him during the many procedures/coma/dark days/ surgeries we had to face. His softball buddies adopted Josh and John kept them all posted. What I feel in my heart today is that I not only lost a truly wonderful friend to talk to, but Josh lost an outstanding uncle, a true uncle. My life is better having had John as a friend, and now he will always be with me in my heart and memories as well. My heart is with Teddi, she is the love of his life and I wish I could attend and just thank her and say good bye to John. But I can't leave Josh, and I know John knows that, so Josh and I prayed today for John Colucco. Doc Colucco. NEVER forget him. My son never met him, but he knows who he is....God bless the family now. They need all of you.~Christine
"Doc" John Colucco
(See also "Doc" John Colucco picture page)Semper Fi, Doc...we will never forget!
(Sent in by Ken Fields, Dec. 5, 2007)
Richard "Dick" Fischer, M Co. 3/5Attached are some photos that Jim Blankenheim took at Dick Fischer's funeral in Madison, Wisconsin November 19 (2007). It was a big affair with probably over 300 people in attendance. It was a full military funeral with a Marine guard funeral attachment, 3 volleys of 7 guns, the Patriot Guard and many others. I didn't know this until after the funeral, but the Govenor of Wisconsin declared the 19th as GySgt Richard Fischer Day and ordered all government flags to half mast. The Govenor was also in attendance at the funeral. A story was printed on the front page of the Madison paper.
Curtis Batten, Frank Ambrose, Mike Wears, Jim Blankenheim and myself were in attendance to represent Mike Co. 3/5. It was a very emotional time for all of us, especially seeing Fischer finally being placed to rest in his home town.
The night before the funeral, we had dinner with Dick's sister, Anne, her daughter, her daughter's husband and their children and Dick's aunt and uncle who was in WWII (See one of the photos). As you can well imagine, memories of Dick were flying around the table.
All in all, I think closure has occurred for Anne and her family AND for those of us that served with Fischer. Finally, we are ALL home...................... No Marine Left Behind!!!!
(See also Richard Fischer Memorial page)
(Sent in by "Doc" Brad Shetrone, Dec. 1, 2007)
Doc Brad Shetrone, April 1969, Da NangI was Sr.Corpsman M 3/5, 1st Mar Div, Nov 68 to Apr. or May 69. Remember LZ Vine and a lot more. Corpsman of M 3/5 was the best job I ever had !! Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. My life now-I work as a mechanic, Civil Engineering Squadron, Little Rock Air Force Base. I work with the airmen and sergeants-construction engineers.~"Doc" Brad Shetrone
SSgt. Blackman (left), Doc Brad Shetrone (center)
Doc Brad Shetrone 3rd Bat. 5th Rgt. BAS, 1969
Doc Brad Shetrone -- BAS An Hoa urinal
An Hoa 1969, bomb blast in background
Doc Brad Shetrone with puppy, 3rd Bat. 5th Rgt. BAS An Hoa, 1969
Medivac & people going on R&R
Doc Brad Shetrone -- July 1969 going on R&R
Clearing LZ Hill 300 1968 unidentified Marines
Unidentified Marine corporal
Unidentified Marines with captured weapons, 1969
LZ Vine
Unidentified Marine about to cross a clearing
Filling canteens after 3 NVA swam across river
Unidentified Marine from CP, NVA R&R area by river(If anyone recognizes the unidentified Marines, please let us know)
(Sent in by Joe Perich, Dec. 1, 2007)
Remembering John Perich, KIA July 22, 1966 on Operation HASTINGS
(See also John Perich Memorial page)I'm John W. Perich's nephew, recently Bakersfield, CA put a memorial to all of the veterens from Kern County and John's name was on it. Also, his father Ed Perich, his brothers Al and Joe are on it too. Thank you for putting up a memorial for my uncle, it means a lot to the whole Perich family.~Joe Perich
(Sent in by Ron Pizano, Nov. 13, 2007)
2nd plt. M Co. 3/5 at SWIFT Reunion, Sept. 2007
Keith Rounesville, Carlton Clark, JD Murray, Ron Pizano,
Tony Martinez, Bert Watkins, Larry Nunez***********************************
(Sent in by Larry Nunez, Nov. 12, 2007)
2nd plt. M Co. 3/5, 1967
Front: Keith Rounesville, Richard Giebe, Unidentified Marine, Larry Nunez
Back: Bert Watkins, Tony Martinez, Ron Pizana, William Talieferro, Unidentified Marine, John Noel
(Richard Giebe was KIA on Operation ESSEX, Nov. '67, See Richard Giebe Memorial page)***********************************
(Sent in by Tony Martinez, Nov. 12, 2007)
Tony Martinez served with 2nd plt. M Co. 3/5, 1967
Left: Staging Battalion, Aug. '67
Right: Carlton Clark and Tony Martinez (with gun) after Operation SWIFT, Sept. '67
Tony and "Huck" after Operation ESSEX, late Nov. '67"Looks like we're really slugging it out here, don't it? This guy is Named Huck, like in Huck Finn. He and I were pretty tight."~Tony Martinez
(Sent in by Jim Blankenheim, Oct. 14, 2007)
"Welcome Home, Richard Fischer"
Missing In Action Jan. 8, 1968
(picture sent in by Michael Wears)It is with great pleasure and great sadness that I tell you Richard Fischer's remains are finally being returned home to be buried in Madison, Wisconsin on November 19, 2007. There will be a visitation from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM followed by his funeral at Christ Presbyterian Church, 944 East Gorham St. in Madison, Wisconsin. The phone number for the Church is 608-257-4845. From what I have learned Richard's remains were found in a farmer's field not far from where he was captured. At the time of his capture he was serving with my unit Mike Company Third Battalion Fifth Marine Regiment First Marine Division in Vietnam. I received this information from Annie, Richard's sister today.~Jim Blankenheim
Note: On Jan. 8, 1968, Richard Fischer was with M Co. 3/5 when he left the ambush site with a couple Vietnamese women and never returned. Despite a massive manhunt by his fellow Marines, Fischer was never found. There were rumors of an American in that area being captured, but no one could confirm it and Fischer was officially listed as Missing In Action.
The information below is from Richard Fischer's sister, Anne, to Mike Wears, Oct. 12, 2007
"According to testament of the villagers and the woman who enticed Dick away, he was shot when he discovered that they (He and the two women) were being followed by the Viet Cong. They hid Dick's body from the search teams for about 3 days and then buried his body in a field that they cultivated. Over the years the field flooded approximately 3 times, each time bones would be unsurfaced. These were thrown into the river that ran next to the field. One report did say the village chief had his skull and jacket for a while but then got rid of it in the river. All this information was gleaned years after the war when search teams investigated "incidents of loss" all over Viet Nam. The team came across the woman 20 years later as she entered a refugee camp and the story she gave matched what the villagers had testified. On one such visit to the village, some of the villagers showed the team where Dick's burial had taken place. In 1996, the site was excavated. 15 pieces of bone and two buttons were discovered. When the team member went to place 13 of the pieces into a baggie, they fell to dust. Two small pieces remained intact. In 1996, the DNA testing required a larger sample than what the team had retrieved so a positive ID has not been possible until the technology had been improved.
Early this spring the Defence Department, Marine Division, contacted my daughter who then, contacted me. They asked us to supply a mitochondrial DNA sample to compare to the sample from the remains. They were 99% sure the bone fragments belonged to Dick but needed the sample to make a certain determination and close his case. Both my daughter and I sent our samples to be tested. The end of 39 years of uncertainty was close at hand which made the waiting almost more than I could bear at times. After months of waiting, last Tuesday I received the call. Unfortunately, I was in class and turned off the phone quickly and did not pick up the voice mail until it was too late to call. I called early Wednesday morning and was told by Casualty Officer Hattie Brown that the tests were a match. I started to contact family and friends who contacted others and that is how I came to write to you. I can bring my brother home, thanks be to God!"~Annie Fischer (See also Richard William Fischer Memorial page).
(Sent in by Tom Lindsay, Oct. 13, 2007)
Prayers for Randy
Our brother Randy Pelt is in the hospital in critical condition resulting from crashing his personal gyro plane. Randy is in the burn unit of the university of Virginia hospital. Randy's female passenger did not survive. Randy had been giving rides to several people on Saturday and the identification of his passenger is not released. Randy has 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 40% of his body, burns recieved attempting to free his passenger from the wreck. Cherry and Hillary are aware of the concern for Randy by his 3/5 family, and said that they will keep us up to date on Randy's condition, but asked that for now not to call. I will email you all anytime I learn something to pass on to you.
I am leaving Sunday to spend a few days there to help Cherry and Hillary if they need anything done for them and to let Randy know we are there. Thank you all for allowing me to take first watch, I will stay as long as they need me, probably about a week, and then Tony Goodrich will be there and we can all take turns as they need us. The family is thankful for us wanting to come, but asks that we try to come one at at time for now. I know that Tom Wityak and John Young plan to go next month, that is great, let's try to let each other know when we plan to be there so we don't overcrowd them. Thanks. Randy and Cherry will need us more as time goes on. Please remember to pray for Randy. Semper Fi~Tom Lindsay tomdlindsay@sbcglobal.net
(Sent in by Craig Sullivan, June 24, 2007)
My Loving Wife, "Barri"
It is with a heavy heart and sadness that I write you these words. "Barri" my beautiful and loving wife passed away this morning in her sleep, she no longer has to fight the battle she has fought so gallantly for the past three years with Ovarian Cancer. I wanted to let you know about Barri's passing to a better place.~Craig Sullivan
Lance Ingram “Barri” Sullivan
February 16, 1952-June 24, 2007Mrs. Lance Ingram “Barri” Sullivan, age 55 of 1301 Thompson Drive SE Concord died Sunday June 24, 2007 at her home following a gallant battle with Ovarian Cancer. Memorial services will be held 5:00 PM Saturday at First Presbyterian Church with Father Roger Butler officiating. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at the home 1301 Thompson Drive SE Concord.
Barri was born February 16, 1952 in High Point to the late Robert Lee Ingram Jr. and Lance Ingram Brown. Barri was a graduate of Concord High School where she was a Majorette and taught Baton. She attended Mitchell College and was First runner up in the Miss Cabarrus County Pageant 1970. A member of First Presbyterian Church, she was a Pre-School teacher for over 18 years at All Saints Episcopal Church.
Barri is survived by her husband Craig Sullivan; daughter, Maeghan Powers of Raleigh, and son, John Lance Sullivan of Concord. Sister, Bonnie Christy of Kannapolis and Robert Lee Ingram III of Locust.
In Lieu of flowers memorials may be made online to The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) or by mail to 500 NE Spanish River Blvd. Suite # 8 Boca Raton, FLA 33431.
Barri and Craig Sullivan, 2004
3rd Battalion, 5th Marines Reunion, La Grange, GA************************************
(Sent in by Mike Alden, June 8, 2007)DAVID A. JOHNSTON MEMORIAL, MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 2007
Killed In Action Mar. 3, 1969 on Operation TAYLOR COMMON
(See also David Johnston Memorial)The Memorial Day services were more than anyone could ask! Just one of the best things we all got together for, honoring David Johnston. David's sister was there, which was a surprize for a lot of members of the POST #283 OF THE AMERICAN LEGION and the Mike Co. guys. ALSO, none of us knew David has a brother, Robert. That topped the cake! We were definately not expecting this. We came to finish what we couldn't for 38 years. To pay our respects to David and honor him. David's sister and brother saw what brotherhood and loyality, and love we have among us, and for their brother. I believe a whole new outlook for David's family has taken place, especially concerning the United States Marine Corps and our country. All of us who went to honor David, Capt.Pachello's letter of honor for his former Marines and David, to go to a fellow Marine's resting place after 38 years is why "Semper Fi" stands proudly in the United States Marine Corps...We ARE always faithfull, I am proud to say....Mike Alden
Left: Lt. Ed Browder, Paul O'Connell, behind Paul's left is Joe Smith, behind Joe is Richard Reed, in front of Richard is "Rock" Giambrocco. Rock has his arm around David's sister. Behind David's sister is Jim Turnage. Behind Jim is Lt. Tom Mahlum. Right side of Marine flag,Tom Wiseman. Behind Tom is what you can see of Ron Thayer, to Ron's left is Corpsman Bob Aloisio. In front of Tom Wiseman is David's brother, Bob, Robert's son is next. Behind Robert's son is Art Diablo, I'm next, Mike Alden, then Jerry Lomax, and an unknown to me. The gentleman was a very good friend of David's.
(Sent in by Mike Alden, April 8, 2007)
Killed In Action Mar. 3, 1969 on Operation TAYLOR COMMON
(See also David Johnston Memorial)
David Johnston (second from right)
Also pictured from left to right, Unidentified Marine, Les Thompson, Richard Reed
M Co. 3/5 Marines who served with David Johnston are planning to attend the Memorial Day services. For more information, contact Mike Alden.
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