President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the
service as set forth in the following
For extraordinary
heroism in action against North Vietnamese forces during Operations
UNION AND UNION II in the Que Son area, Republic of Vietnam, from 25
April to 5 June 1967. Throughout this period, the 5th Marines (Reinforced)
was assigned the mission of destroying the enemy forces, their supplies
and equipment. With the initiation of a heavy engagement by a Marine
rifle company in the vicinity of La Nga (2), the 5th Marines deployed
to exploit the contact.
Despite extremely
short notice, the reinforced Regiment moved with alacrity to meet the
enemy's challenge. This rapid reaction resulted in the establishment
of contact with a well-organized North Vietnamese Army force; once engaged,
the 5th Marines tenaciously pursued the enemy over an extensive pattern
of rice paddies, hedgerows and fortified hamlets. Unable to disengage
while being subjected to relentless pressure, the 21st North Vietnamese
Regiment finally made its stand at the hamlet of Phouc Duc (4).
For four days commencing
12 May, the 5th Marines resolutely attacked the fortified enemy positions.
Valiantly withstanding heavy enemy mortar barrages and repelling fierce
enemy counterattacks, the Marines shattered the entrenched enemy. Operation
UNION II was launched on 26 May with a helicopter-borne assault to destroy
the withdrawing remnants of the 21st North Vietnamese Regiment.
Attacking aggressively,
the 5th Marines uncovered the 3rd North Vietnamese Regiment dug in near
Vinh Huy and were met by a withering barrage of mortar, machine-gun
and recoilless rifle fire. Resolute in their determination, the Marines
continued to maintain pressure and, at nightfall, launched a bold night
attack which ruptured the enemy's defenses and drove the tattered vestiges
of the North Vietnamese unit from the field.
II inflicted over three thousand enemy casualties and eliminated the
2nd North Vietnamese Army Division as a combat force to be reckoned
with for many months. By their aggressive fighting spirit, superb tactical
skill, steadfastness under fire, consummate professionalism and countless
acts of individual heroism, the officers and men of the 5th Marine Regiment
(Reinforced) upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps, and
the United States Naval Service.